Going farther down the rabbit hole. 😉
I've adopted textures from Green Hell, for better variety and more colour. Unlike Green Hell, which uses almost no 'layer cake' forest cover, I'll have the fully forested areas only use the layered texturing.
I've removed the gazillion palm tree objects from Port Moresby (and hugely reduced the extent of what in the stock map is a vast megalopolis, in terms of areal size).
I have the forest going as close to the shorelines as possible, where warranted; the stock map's idiotically wide beach zones are gone.
I've re-worked the handling of textures along shorelines, so that now the shallows are drawn. Previously the shore transitioned abruptly from land to deep blue sea.
I'm debating adding coral reefs, which in a number of areas are quite extensive. This will notably increase the size of map_C.tga, which might (?) have some impact on performance. Perhaps I'll offer two map_C.tga's to choose from; one without and the other with coral reefs.
I've decided to rid the airfields of their silly taxiways. This is getting into new territory for me, with my fairly limited experience of doing only minor adjustments to airfields. One concern is the ground roughness. With no taxiway or apron plates, is it necessary to lay down a ground plate to cover the area where planes will taxi? Or are the load.ini Airfield texture slots automatically treated as properly smooth?