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Author Topic: How can I use custom maps with DCG!  (Read 1008 times)

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How can I use custom maps with DCG!
« on: January 15, 2023, 10:43:47 AM »

Hi All,

Long time member here but infrequent poster. Have been playing IL-2 since 2003!

I would really like to try to create some dynamic campaigns with DCG as a way to give back to the community. Namely I would like to create an ETO campaign with DCG - 1942-1945, big bomber formations, historically plausible targets/frontlines, correct skins etc.

I know this has been done already, with DGEN, however using the stock maps which aren’t ever so accurate or pretty. I would like to use some of the maps that ship with BAT as I feel this can provide a far more organic experience.

My biggest problem is that I cannot figure out how to import a custom map to show up in the drop down menu or DCG. I have searched tirelessly and I haven’t been able to find a decisive guide. Maybe I am just being dense! Could not find anything relating to it in the DCG manual…

SIDE NOTE: If you think I would be better off doing this in BAT DGEN for whatever reason as opposed to DCG please let me know and I can pursue that avenue. I’m fairly experienced with modding and mission building in various simulators, and I’m always willing to learn new things. I really feel that BAT is missing a dynamic ETO campaign that uses all the assets.

Many thanks for your help and replies. I am home from hospital in a few days after making a full recovery (I’ve been here for a month and I’m sorely missing IL-2) Can’t wait to get back into the saddle! Think Pearl Harbor to Tokyo campaign but set in the ETO!




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Re: How can I use custom maps with DCG!
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2023, 11:05:47 AM »

My biggest problem is that I cannot figure out how to import a custom map to show up in the drop down menu or DCG. I have searched tirelessly and I haven’t been able to find a decisive guide. Maybe I am just being dense! Could not find anything relating to it in the DCG manual…

In DCG it's actually pretty straightforward. Just create the master mission with FMB using the map you would like to use. Open the master mission file with text editor (such as notepad). See the beginning (the example is from my WWI Arras campaign) :

Code: [Select]
  MAP WWI_WesternFront_UPB/WWI1024_load.ini

Then create a file called maps.dcg:

Code: [Select]

Load: map from the master mission
MapAxis: Axis side of the map
AlliedID: What country is allied in the briefings etc. (from messages.dcg)
AxisD: What country is axis in the briefings etc. (from messages.dcg)
Description: free text, no effect to gameplay

I am home from hospital in a few days after making a full recovery (I’ve been here for a month and I’m sorely missing IL-2)

Get well soon!
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Re: How can I use custom maps with DCG!
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2023, 11:26:59 AM »

Thank you so much for this reply and the well wishes! I really appreciate you sharing your expertise on this subject. I cannot wait to get stuck in to this!

Another quick question if that is okay with you… Can I use multiple frontlines that correspond with dates, or even multiple maps for different parts of the war (EG Pre D-Day and Post D-Day) or would I be better off doing that in DGEN? Many thanks. As I mentioned, I’m fairly good with the mission builder, but I have never experimented with dynamic campaigns!

Kindest regards and thank you!


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Re: How can I use custom maps with DCG!
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2023, 12:25:53 PM »

Another quick question if that is okay with you…

Of course  8)

Can I use multiple frontlines that correspond with dates, or even multiple maps for different parts of the war

Yes you can. Map locations are determined in xxx.rds (road locations), xxx.srd (sea locations) and xxx.rls (railway locations) files and allcampaigns.dcg file determines which side attacks and which locations are held by the attacker.

See old but golden tutorial: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,50725.msg553622.html#msg553622
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Re: How can I use custom maps with DCG!
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2023, 01:17:03 PM »

it can be done.  I used the Western Europe map with DCG to create a US Fighter campaign.  It worked fairly well.  It takes some time and patience to create the initial 'start state' but the tutorial Shakaali indicated should really help.

Good luck.


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Re: How can I use custom maps with DCG!
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2023, 03:51:29 PM »

Shakaali, tomoose,

I cannot thank you both enough. I am so incredibly excited to get started on this, and can’t wait to be back at my PC to have a play around!

Thanks for your kindness, and taking the time to point me in the right direction!

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