I stand corrected, we never had the actual Torpedo config.
TD/1C stock Fake mesh
Eperviers import ported the fake rack mesh
Stefan SG's 4.12 version is based on both previous versions, again with that fake mesh.
TBD_TRack would need to be reshaped, but that results in other crap.
How to close the cutout, open Mesh. there where no exterior things when
the central panel was removed. But different Sets of Cover assemblies, that for
the the Bombloadouts, so when Torp was used, no cover panels needed.
You can see the brace for the 1000lb holding the Torpedo and the secured string attachment.
This makes me think if the cutout (Bombbay) is 1/1 made, I think it's too wide, way too warped.
So again a discrepancy in actual Bombbay size, completely weird. Avenger was another of such mishapps.
I think it was forced into Production at TD without proper Documents.
Definitely at part of the Central Bombbay, I can't get to rethink the actual thing, just
the steps they did to fiddle this up.
http://tailhooktopics.blogspot.com/2012/02/tbd-devastator-stores-bay.htmlThat would need a complete new 3-D fuselage, The Mesh is half open,
dunno, import the Warthunder TBD is the best bet,
that has proper stuff, this thing is impossible to fix. It's worser than Olegs Avenger.
Look at the Warthunder Torpedo Hanging, closest to reallity,
security straps, right hanging, panel configuration.
Just perfect.