I really don't know why it is happening but it happened and i don't like seeing the blue screen because once after getting a blue screen crash my computer never rebooted again.
It took me 1 hour at least to make this mod "work" (actually never did), I installed the soldiers, vehicles and artillery MODs over my IL2 with UP2.01 in the MODs folder and added the new lines to the ini files.
The technics.ini that came with artillery mod was my only concern since i didn't understand quite well if i should replace my technics with yours or should i add your lines to my technics. I backed up my technics.ini and tried both. Using your technics.ini only resulted in 70%CTD. Adding your technics lines to my technics resulted in successful loading but when the presentation movie started my PC frozen went black for 2 minutes and got blue screen.
Note:after installing UP2.01 my ini's are no longer in MODs/STD folders but moved to Files folder again. I don't know if it's relevant but worth saying.