For users of my effects who would like the locomotive smoke from the stack to be of a lighter hue...
First, here's the contents of the effect file you'll be playing with, SmokeBlack_Locomotive.eff:
ClassName TParticlesSystemParams
MatName ..\Materials\ExplosionDamageSmokeVehicles.mat
Color0 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.5
Color1 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
nParticles 60
FinishTime -1
MaxR 0
PhiN 0.4
PsiN 1.1
LiveTime 11
EmitFrq 5
EmitVelocity 2 5
EmitTheta 0 30
GasResist 0.028
VertAccel 0
Wind 5 //for loco stack, perhaps make slower to look better
Size 4 40
Rnd 0.0
//assigned to "Vapor" hook; locomotive smoke stack
//used also by damaged tenders (trailors) in stock classes
Do this:
1) Open with a text editor this file:
2) Change
MatName ..\Materials\ExplosionDamageSmokeVehicles.mat
MatName ..\Materials\Vas_Smoke.mat
This will make for a lighter hue due to the texture being somewhat lighter in tone, but if you want it to be lighter still, change
Color0 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.5
Color1 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
to something like
Color0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.5
Color1 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0
For those not familiar, Color0 sets the texture color and opacity at the start of its appearance, and Color1 sets these values at the point of disappearance. During the life time of the effect particle it will smoothly transition between these start and end values. The first 3 numbers are the RGB values; when all are the same the original color of the texture is retained. Increasing makes brighter, decreasing makes darker. The fourth number is the opacity, from 0 for complete invisiblity to 1 for maximum opacity. If the texture has an alpha channel which already applies some partial transparency, then the Color parameters in the .eff file (and similarly in the .mat file) can not make the texture any more opaque.
Here the tone starts off a bit darkish, progressively getting somewhat lighter as the smoke particles fade away.
I have the LiveTime as 11 seconds. If you like a longer smoke column, increase this. But also increase nParticles!!! Unless you want periodic gaps. For an unbroken smoke column, nParticles must be no less than LiveTime multiplied by EmitFreq. Here the live time of 11 seconds multiplied by the emit frequency of 5/second equals 55 total particles to be drawn at any one instant. If the value is larger, no harm; just don't have it too low unless you really do want cyclical gaps.