Hey guys,
recently d/l the Finnish pilots, and at first most of them did not work? So I found the 'fixes' here, and 'voila!, now most of them
DO work!!
However the B-239 is causing problems. The pilot shows clearly, but the canopy is open, and floating off to the right
of the aircraft? I looked into the hier.him hoping to correct the blister, but I have no before and after start points, so I'd
in all likelihood screw it up! The only details I see in the log file are about paint.bmps and this cryptic snippet:
[2:23:33 AM] WARNING: ObjectVACache_Clear()
[2:23:33 AM] WARNING: * Buf0 : Obj: 1, Vert 414, Ind 918
[2:23:33 AM] WARNING: * Buf1 : Obj: 387, Vert 82083, Ind 261129
[2:23:33 AM] WARNING: * Buf2 : Obj: 27, Vert 16198, Ind 28728
Does Buf0= Buffalo, B-239? (Hope I don't sound stupid?
Anyways. any assistance is appreciated!!
P.S, this is Vp Modpack where I'm using the Finn pilots. Ok to post here?