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Author Topic: Greco-Italian War 1940 - A Dynamic Campaign for DCG and BAT  (Read 1695 times)

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Greco-Italian War 1940 - A Dynamic Campaign for DCG and BAT
« on: April 20, 2023, 01:54:35 PM »

Greco-Italian War 1940
A Dynamic Campaign for DCG and BAT

Download M4T: https://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads3&file=details&id=3115
Download MediaFire: https://www.mediafire.com/file/h2nrjcqvw4mieek/Greco-Italian_War.rar/file

The Greco-Italian War started when Italian troops attacked Greece from Albania that Italy had invaded in 1939. Benito Mussolini’s fascist army hungered for an easy conquest in Greece, but it turned out to be one of Mussolini's biggest failures.

You can fly this campaign as:

Regia Aeronautica

Fighter Pilot
-   Fiat G.50
-   Fiat CR.42
-   Fiat CR.32

Bomber Pilot
-   Savoia-Marchetti SM.81 Pipistrello Gnome-Rhone
-   Savoia-Marchetti SM.81 Pipistrello Piaggio
-   Fiat BR.20
-   Junkers Ju-87B-2
-   Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 Sparviero
-   CANT Z.1007bis

Recon Pilot
-   Meridionali Ro.37bis

Seaplane Pilot
-   CANT Z.506 Airone
-   CANT Z.501Gabbiano

Royal Hellenic Air Force (the Netherlands)

Fighter Pilot
-   PZL P.24f
-   PZL P.24g
-   Bloch MB.151

Bomber Pilot
-   Potez 633
-   Bristol Blenheim I
-   Fairey Battle

Recon Pilot
-   Henschel Hs-126A   
-   Avro Anson

Seaplane Pilot
-   Dornier Do-22K

Royal Air Force

Fighter Pilot
-   Bristol Blenheim IF
-   Gloster Gladiator I

Bomber Pilot
-   Bristol Blenheim I

Why on earth I must select Greece under the Netherlands?   
See here: https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,63277.msg696715.html#msg696715


B.A.T. v4.2.2
DCG 3.50 beta  (https://forum.jg1.org/forum/68-dcg-announcements/)


Decompress the Greco-Italian.rar into your DCG home directory.
Make a backup of the DGEN directory in you IL-2 game directory 
Copy Dgen & Paintschemes folders from your Greco-Italian folder and paste them in your IL-2 game directory. Overwrite if prompted.
Start DCG, select Optional Third Party Data Folder.
Navigate to the Greco-Italian folder and select allcampaigns.dcg
Select "Replace Career Generator (DGen)" in the DCG main screen.
Select Off Line Career (Full Auto-Generation Mode) in the DCG main screen.
Launch Il-2 WAW module and select one of the above-mentioned careers.


To get Greek ranks and medals copy the contents of "Replace DU"- folder (included in the Greco-Italian folder) and paste it to Missions/Campaigns folder in your IL-2 game directory   

To restore Dutch ranks and medals copy the contents of "Restore  DU"- folder (included in the Greco-Italian folder) and paste it to Missions/Campaigns folder in your IL-2 game directory   

Recommended DCG Settings:

Transfers are set off by a timetable command and I recommend that it is kept off to avoid overcrowding of certain airfields

Recommended action radius 100 - 200 km.
Air Starts: On
Delayed Start Times: On
Historical Production Dates: Off

Credits and thanks:

SAS team for BAT
Paul Lowengrin for DCG
Tailspin and Lonestar for DCG tutorials that got me started creating DCG campaigns a long time ago
All skin artist involved (sorry, I don't know who you are).

"A truth ceases to be true when more than one person believes in it." -Oscar Wilde


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Re: Greco-Italian War 1940 - A Dynamic Campaign for DCG and BAT
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2023, 04:42:34 PM »

Thnxs a lot ,Shakasli!


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Re: Greco-Italian War 1940 - A Dynamic Campaign for DCG and BAT
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2023, 10:14:01 AM »

Thank You!


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Re: Greco-Italian War 1940 - A Dynamic Campaign for DCG and BAT
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2023, 03:26:08 PM »

Hi, does anyone know if there is a mod for the flight model of the PZL P-24? It is practically unflyable



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Re: Greco-Italian War 1940 - A Dynamic Campaign for DCG and BAT
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2023, 04:34:31 PM »

Hi, does anyone know if there is a mod for the flight model of the PZL P-24? It is practically unflyable

What do you mean? I personally find it one of easiest aircraft to handle in BAT.  Almost like flying in arcade mode. Not  saying it is realistic, but anything but difficult
"A truth ceases to be true when more than one person believes in it." -Oscar Wilde


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Re: Greco-Italian War 1940 - A Dynamic Campaign for DCG and BAT
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2023, 05:27:37 PM »

I tried also in UP3.4 and plane handles well but if you want there is a different FM made by Vasya here



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Re: Greco-Italian War 1940 - A Dynamic Campaign for DCG and BAT
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2023, 04:44:15 PM »

I'm running BAT 4.1, later versions make the sim very heavy... I have too much torque to the right (it's very similar to the FM of the IAR 80-81, which is funny since they are two related planes) I tried the new FM and it's much better) Thank you both!


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Re: Greco-Italian War 1940 - A Dynamic Campaign for DCG and BAT
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2023, 11:20:41 AM »

.... Benito Mussolini’s fascist army hungered for an easy conquest in Greece, .....

Thx for your missions.

Fake history never die! o_O o_O Benito Mussolini didn't have an army, not an airforce and not a navy, as intended for other countries, he was only chief of a paramilitar corp called Milizia (M.V.S.N.) with old guns, rifles and knives.
Chief of Regio Esercito (Royal Army), Regia Marina (Royal Navy) and Regia Aeronautica (Royal Air Force) was the King Vittorio Emanuele III di Savoia that had full power over them.
In Oct 28th 1922 with 16 thousand armed people entered in Rome, without any kind of resistance by Royal Army, Navy Air Force, only 3 policemen were killed in Rome.
The so called "Putsch" was done with the help of the King and many officers, that didn't react, causing the end of the little italian democracy the 30th of the same month (yes a couple of days). The King continued his reign undercovered till 1946, when free italians chose the Repubblica, kicking definetly the him and the males of the Royal family.

The beginning of wars under the Fascist period (Eritrea, Somaliland, France, Greece, Jugoslavia, Commonwealth and so on), should be charged to the King and his officers as for the fascists, this because the Official Declaration of War was undersigned by the King, not by Mussolini, reading art.5 of the Statuto Albertino (the Main italian Law).

With this technique a King used the Law and the violence at the same time (by the hands of others), the common people had no chance to oppose to his Law and if they tryed to oppose had to fight against the Law and against fascists. Therefore the Ventennio Fascista was 20 years of annihilation of people, like for other passed and present Regime.

Unfortunately the technique of governing a democracy by means of violence has been repeated up to the present day also in other apparently free states.


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Re: Greco-Italian War 1940 - A Dynamic Campaign for DCG and BAT
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2023, 12:34:06 PM »

Thanks for your comment, bigans.

According to most historians, what you wrote is true de jure. But what I wrote (or actually shamelessly copied from Wikipedia) is true de facto

Re d'Italia Vittorio Emanuele III di Savoia (or King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy in English) was just a puppet and Mussolini was holding the strings. The King possibly could have opposed Mussolini (or possibly not), but he chose not to. The King signed whatever Mussolini told him to sign. Therefore speaking of Mussolinis forces may be cutting corners, but not false.


"A truth ceases to be true when more than one person believes in it." -Oscar Wilde


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Re: Greco-Italian War 1940 - A Dynamic Campaign for DCG and BAT
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2023, 02:34:56 PM »

I don't want to force you to my point of view, neither annoying anyone with O.T., but last question is necessary: why if Mussolini had the strings of the puppet (the King), in July 1943 was jailed by order of the King and then saved by Otto Skorzeny and put by Hitler as chief of the Social Italian Republic (R.S.I.) in north of peninsula, becoming for the 2nd time the puppet of an other one? If you like we can discuss about it in private. Ciao


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Re: Greco-Italian War 1940 - A Dynamic Campaign for DCG and BAT
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2023, 04:43:45 AM »

if Mussolini had the strings of the puppet (the King), in July 1943 was jailed by order of the King

Because in July 1943 Mussolini was not holding the strings any more. The King was still a puppet, but the strings were grabbed from Mussolini by Dino Grandi. And the King signed the order to jail Mussolini because Grandi told him to. 

But I wish not to discuss the matter any further as I am not an expert of political history and this is not the right forum for that discussion.

"A truth ceases to be true when more than one person believes in it." -Oscar Wilde
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