Hello guys, glad you managed to get the aircraft finally.
The bombs are the same as for all the previous versions, I cannot understand why if you had them before suddenly you do not!
The only weapon I added was the twin guns, that did mean moving some of the armament entries but still the same bombs, the only reason I mentioned a weapons pack is because I did not have everything in my test install, if you are using this in the same place as the previous version than you really should be good to go!
Looking at the weapon pack I mentioned, by looking through the various readme files in it I think I have added successive '01__Weapons_France' over each other, even so as I already said if it worked before for you should have them!
I give up.
One of the readme files in my bomb pack is for the Br691 that uses the same as the AR-1, "BombGunFR_50KgD":
C401EB96E910741A BombFR_50KgD
242C6C3C4D610038 BombGunFR_50KgD
To make things even more bizarre the bombs are in the Arms folder and those class files in the AR-1 mod itself!I even more give up, I have had enough of this fucking silly shit.
Take care and be safe.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.