Dear SAS Members, dear Guests,
It's a pleasure for me to announce that Glynn aka
SAS~GJE52 agreed to become the new Co-Owner of SAS!
We have learned a lesson from Piet's death:
I could - just like Piet - fall seriously ill at any time, have an accident, or be otherwise prevented from continuing to run our forum.
Besides that, the ownership of the forum should never be a "one-man show".
Glynn and I share quite some history here at SAS and he's been an Editor of our Forum before.
We are "brothers in spirit", Glynn has my 150% confidence and I firmly believe he is the right man for the job and together we make a perfect team.
Quite similar to my relationship with Piet, I know Glynn personally (read: In 3D aka "real life") for a while, our wifes know each other.
Calling this an extended family would be a bit far-fetched, but Glynn and I share some personal adventures and our friendship is at a level well in excess of what one would typically experience in virtual friendships.
No need to say "hi" to Glynn as you all probably know him already so let's just celebrate that we've got an owner team again!