Remember, the pic above shows ALL bits of wreckage to which effects can be assigned. I did this temporary enabling of such only to be able to see the pattern of dispersal most easily. The number of particles drawn here push things to the point where some can disappear due to graphics engine limitations. I have gone back to the usual numbers, after settling on the following velocity envelopes, relative to the plane's velocity vector at destruction:
L-R: unchanged at +/- 15 m/s
Up-Dn: unchanged at +/- 15 m/s
Fore-Aft: -75 to +15 m/s (formerly the same +/- 15)
In other words, I've expanded the envelope of relative velocity in the aft direction by 60 m/s, to better suggest the way drag increases as the square of velocity, and where the velocity vector component is greatest in the original direction of travel.
A more sophisticated approach would scale this envelope expansion as the aircraft speed. At zero speed, as when stalling at the top of a zoom climb, the fore-aft component 9f the envelope would have the usual +/- 15 m/s. As airspeed increases the rearward extension to larger negative relative velocity would proceed. This could equal negative airspeed in m/s minus 15. For example, an airspeed of, say, 120kt is roughly 60 m/s. The aft limit could then equal -60 -15 = -75.
The forward component should ideally be reduced, or shifted aft, as airspeed increases. But in this simplified modeling, I like to have the *difference* in velocity at higher airspeed to increase, which emphasizes the drag differential. It looks better.