19 Mar 2024
* Have a good test mission generation engine, so that I can test features
* Fully Implemented "SAELogic" Algorithm
--- SAE = Start/Action/End: This means that any Flight Group (FG) can use the parameters of any other. There are 12 FGs per Team, and each can use parameters from another FG. So, FG 1 can start in its base, then go to Action area of FG 3, then it can land in FG5's home... and the waypoint editor allows you to remove certain mission sections... the options are dare I say... endless. I have been having a bit of fun... you can even land in an enemy base... maybe there is a defection scenario...
* Start Options:
- Flying over start location (whichever location you pick from below)
- If you use the FG's default settings, based on the options below
* Land Base is Default - Options are:
1) The Land Base (Spawn points for original flight for taxi, and Line Up to the Right for Clones, also you can scramble or do classic line take off)
2) Water Start (A point in a water body to takeoff using a seaplane, when practical it maybe a real seabase)
3) Fixed or Moving Carrier in a water body
* Map Seabase is Default – Options are:
1) The Seabase (with taxi to takeoff where appropriate)
2) Water Start at alternate location
3) Fixed or Moving Carrier in a water body
* Carrier is Default – Options are:
1) The Default Carrier
2) Water Start (A point in a water body to takeoff using a seaplane, when practical it maybe a real seabase)
3) Alternate Fixed or Moving carrier at different location
Now grasp the concept that for all those... you can start at a different FG's perspective... so you could Take Off from FG2's Alternate Carrier, and Land in FG3's Landbase...
Using Sebases sometimes yields strange results at times... because it uses the default waypoints with alternative start/end locations... when not over water the planes could crash land... but... remember you can do a bulk move of whole sections by several kilometers if you wish... All this is through a fairly simple GUI.
Composite flights are Working (Super easy to setup!)
* Something I am really happy of is the Escort composite feature. You can have a group of fighters escort a group of bombers with a couple of clicks. It took me a while to develop the algorithm to do a rough calculation of the escorted flight waypoints so that escorting makes sense...
* Gliders and Tugs work really well and you can set up delays for proper behavior… that is, you can set delays for when the glider appears. For most scenarios, you can have the Gliders appear at the same time if it starts on air with the tug. When you takeoff, behavior varies. You can have a typical He-111Z + Me-321 pairing in a runway, but it must be a classic takeoff in the runway… you can’t taxi like that. If you wanted the tug to taxi, if would need to taxi on its own. Through trial and error you can figure when the He-111Z is ready to takeoff in the runway, then you can have the Me-321 Spawn then. Depending on how long the taxi is, it is generally a matter of 2-3 minutes.
* Other composites work as well and you can setup an ace flight in a similar way. For example, get Erich Hartman plane, then use a separate FG as an escort of Bf-109G-6s to him… that makes for a powerful foe, since the Ace of Aces has an escort…
*Briefing engine and all mission properties are working, such as Fog of War settings.
And I wanted to wait to talk about it but… Fortunately I was able to adapt the UQMG Classic routine to account for Clones… I have made great progress and I am at the point that these are now working:
* Cloning Engine Accounting of used Regiments is working correctly, and is fully adapted from my old code, so it is very stable, the difference is that instead of using several files being written, it is all done through my own way of using field based pseudo matrices, all through memory and not in the disk. Much faster. (This does not sound like much but keeping tabs on what regiments are used and can be used is a labor intensive thing, especially because each regiment has 16 total flights (00, 01, 02, 03, 10, … etc, up to 33)
* Wing construct is working
* Flights properties for clones are functional
* Clone Waves, including algorithm to spawn at proper times is also working (so if you have 1 flight with 8 clones, and you want 3 flights per wave, at the beginning of the mission, you have 3 flights in the same flight group, then at your selected interval, say, 5 minutes, another wave of three planes appear, and at 10 minutes the last wave of 3 flights appear.
Things I need to work next:
* Build engine to calculate Clone waypoint differentials (first implementation will be just like UQMG classic in which the large clone formations look like an asterisk… because I can adapt the existing function from UQMG Classic
* Adapt the Waypoint Routine already working for original flights but for clones, using the function above,
* Develop other formation shapes like large diamonds, spirals, wedges, etc…
* Clone details, such as AI skill variation
There is still much to be done:
* Randomization
* Ground object options/editor
* Some basic help features
* Tutorials
* Full save/load capabilities
* A way to apply some obsjectives
* other features…
At some point I'll have some screens.