Below is the ordnance available to the various models of J29L
Light ARAK8 cm pansarraket m/46C (armour-piercing, RP-3)
14,5 cm pansarsprängraket m/49A (high-explosive anti-tank)
14,5 cm pansarsprängraket m/49B (high-explosive anti-tank)
15 cm sprängraket m/51A (high-explosive)
Heavy ARAK18 cm halvpansarraket m/49 (anti-ship)
18 cm halvpansarraket m/49B (anti-ship)
JRAK7,5 cm sprängraket m/55 "Frida" (high-explosive)
EAR6 cm övningsraket m/54 (exercise)
6,3 cm övningsraket m/52 (exercise)
Drop TanksFälltank typ 1 (400 liters, improvised incendiary)
Fälltank typ 2 (500 liters, improvised incendiary)
Bombs200 kg brandbomb m/51 (incendiary)
J29B and J29F - possible configurations:Standard Light ARAK Loadout; 8 x rocket pylons w/ 8 to 14 light ARAK
Loaded Light ARAK Loadout; 8 x rocket pylons w/ 14 light ARAK, 2 x drop tank pylons w/ 4 to 8 light ARAK (18 to 20 light ARAK)
Standard Heavy ARAK Loadout; 4 x rocket pylons w/ 4 heavy ARAK
Loaded Heavy ARAK Loadout; 4 x rocket pylons w/ 4 heavy ARAK, 2 x drop tank pylons w/ 2 heavy ARAK (6 x heavy ARAK)
EAR Loadout; ? x rocket pylons w/ 8 EAR
Drop Tank Loadout; 2 x drop tank pylons w/ 2 drop tanks
Drop Tank + Light ARAK Loadout; 4 x rocket pylons w/ 8 light ARAK, 2 x drop tank pylons w/ 2 drop tanks (8 x light ARAK, 2 x drop tanks)
Incendiary Bombs Loadout; 2 x drop tank pylons w/ 2 incendiary bombs
J 29Es, while they still had the "ability", weren't allowed to carry ARAKs and instead carried JRAKs, air-to-air rockets or, more accurately, fighter rockets. Like the ARAK, in 1954 they managed to include up to forty JRAK by putting eight on each of the two drop tank pylons.
Below are the configurations possible for the J29E:Standard JRAK Loadout; 6 x rocket pylons w/ 12 to 24 JRAK
Loaded Light JRAK Loadout; 6 x rocket pylons w/ 24 JRAK, 2 x drop tank pylons w/ 16 JRAK (40 x JRAK)
Drop Tank Loadout; 2 x drop tank pylons w/ 2 drop tanks
Swedish Rockets14,5 cm pansarsprängraket m/49A14,5 cm psrak m/49A)
Pansarvärnsraket (PVRAK): Anti tank rocket (HEAT)
The full name of the "m/49A" HEAT rockets was 14.5cm pansarsprängraket m/49.
m49A rockets have 500mm penetration + 3.5kg TNT explosive filler,and 410m/s velocity
The closest this comes to is the french T10 151 with 450mm penetration and 2.1kg TNT explosive and 390m/s velocity
18 cm halvpansarraket m/49 "Tiny Jörgen"(18 cm hprak m/49)
Sjömålsraket (SMRAK): Anti ship rocket (SAPHE)
This must be differencied from the "m/49" SAPHE rockets (18cm halvpansarraket m/49) with a 80mm point blank penetration (43mm with the explosive - the 60 degree angle values don't change with distance same as the HE warhead numbers don't change) and 340m/s velocity.
The 18 cm halvpansarraket m/49 weighted 120 kg, but only carried 5,25 kg of TNT. It was an anti ship rocket.
The m/49 rocket engine is 18,5 cm and designed by Bofors. It has the fuse cables at the back and is so powerful that is has to be ignited at least a meter from the wing to not damage it.
The m/49 has a 18,5 cm SAPHE warhead.
m/49 types
18 cm hprak m/49: original rocket, 5,25 kg TNT, fired from ramps, only used on the A 21A-3.
18 cm hprak m/49A: unknown changes (no service)
18 cm hprak m/49B: smaller swept interlocking fins (in game model), 5,3 kg TNT.
15 cm sprängraket m/51(15 cm srak m/51)
Attackraket (ARAK): Attack rocket (HE)
The "m/51" rocket had an HE warhead with 39mm penetration and 420m/s velocity.
The 15 cm SRAK m/51 weighs 64 KG, and carries 4,5 KG of TNT
The m/49A and m/51 are siblings and share the same rocket engine just like the RP-3's. The rocket engine is 10,3 cm and designed by Bofors. The m/49A's engine has large fins for accuracy and has the fuse cables at the back. The m/51's engine has smaller fins to increase the spread and the fuse cables at the front.
The m/49A has a 14,5 cm HEAT warhead and the m/51 has a 15 cm HE warhead.
m/49 types
14,5 cm psrak m/49: original rocket.
14,5 cm psrak m/49A: interlocking fins (did not see service)
14,5 cm psrak m/49B: smaller swept interlocking fins (in game model)
m/51 types
15 cm srak m/51: original rocket, 4,5 kg TNT.
15 cm srak m/51A: thicker filler, 4 kg TNT (better fragmentation effect).
15 cm srak m/51B: m/51A with ability to mount nose fuse which allows detonation at high angles (spetsrör m/55).
7,5 cm sprängraket m/55 "Frida"(7,5 cm srak m/55)
Jaktraket (JRAK): Anti air rocket (HEI "Mine load")
7,5 cm sprängraket m/57
(7,5 cm srak m/57)
Jaktraket (JRAK): Anti air rocket (HEI "Mine load")
The m/55 and m/57 are siblings and share the same rocket engine. The rocket engine is 7,5 cm and designed by Bofors. The m/55 has fixed fins while the m/57 has retractable fins as it is shot out of a rocket pod (raketkapsel m/57).
Both rockets uses the same 7,5 cm shu m/55 HE warhead. They are fitted with a contact fuse (ö hk sar m/55). Proximity fuse was deemed too expencive and unnecesary as modern radar lock gave extremely high accuracy. Only used in frontal engagements. Sidewinders used for flanking attacks. Proximity fuse might have been tested.
m/55, m/57B types
7,5 cm srak m/55: original rocket, only used on the Saab J29.
7,5 cm srak m/57: updated rocket for use in rocket pods, raketkapsel m/57. (No service.)
7,5 cm srak m/57A: unknown changes. (No service.)
7,5 cm srak m/57B: unknown changes.
13,5 cm sprängraket m/56(13,5 cm srak m/56)
Attackraket (ARAK): Attack rocket (HE)
14,5 cm pansarsprängraket m/49/56
(14,5 cm psrak m/49/56)
Pansarvärnsraket (PVRAK): Anti tank rocket (HEAT)
The m/56 and m/49/56 are siblings and shares the same rocket engine. The rocket engine is 13,5 cm with fixed fins and designed by Bofors. It has the fuse cables at the front.
The m/56 has a 13,5 cm HE warhead with the m/49/56 using a 14,5 cm HEAT warhead.
m/56 types
13,5 cm srak m/56: original rocket, 3,7 kg TNT.
13,5 cm srak m/56A: unknown changes.
13,5 cm srak m/56B: unknown changes.
13,5 cm srak m/56C: unknown changes.
13,5 cm srak m/56D: unknown changes. (manual literally gives the same stats as the m/56C so idfk)
14,5 cm psrak m/49/56: m/56 fitted with the same warhead as the 14,5 cm psrak m/49B, cannot double mount.
13,5 cm raket m/70(13,5 cm rak m/70)
Attackraket (ARAK): Attack rocket (HE, HEAT, HEAT-MP)
The m/70 rocket engine is 13,5 cm and designed by Bofors. It has the fuse cables at the front. It is designed with retractable fins for use in rocket pods (raketkapsel m/70).
The m/70 can be fitted with 3 warheads, two HE warheads, shu m/56/70 and shu m/70 and a HEAT warhead pshu m/70. The HEAT warhead can be configured as multiprupose by mounting a proximity fuse. This fuse can be used against both aerial and ground targets (overhead detonation).
13,5 cm shu m/56/70: same warhead as m/56, 3,7 kg TNT.
13,5 cm shu m/70: HE warhead, 3,7 kg TNT.
13,5 cm pshu m/70 ö hk sar: HEAT warhead, 5 kg Composition B.
13,5 cm pshu m/70 zonar: HEAT-MP warhead, 5 kg Composition B. Here fitted with proximity fuse.