the force vector passes through the plane's center of mass. A close enough approximation for our purposes.
Sorry but no. This assumption is simply wrong.
In reality, of course, an offset gun, such as when placed in a wing, will induce a rotational component upon the plane.
Countering this, the bilaterally symmetrical placement of guns all firing together impart a mean force whose vector lies in at least the plane's lateral axis of symmetry.
If you cumulate the force for a long enough time: Yes.
Momentarily (and that's what induces yaw oscillation): No.
proper firing of all guns by itself does not induce a yaw moment to any material degree.
Wishful thinking, but wrong.
Else why not other planes similarly armed and also significantly lighter not having been beset with the issue?
They do.
They all do.
The difference lies in the inherent lateral instability of bubble top P-47s which makes them susceptible to yaw oscillation.
Other planes have sufficient lateral stability to counter the induced yaw oscillation.
Early bubbletop P-47s didn't, that's why the dorsal fin got attached which restored this stability.
It's similar to breaking up early Jumo 004s: All jet engines suffer from vibrations to a certain degreen. All 004s do. Yet only early ones disintegrated, and it's been a
tiny yet crucial change that solved the issue.
This could be demonstrated by a ground firing with the plane standing on on a frictionless and freely moving sled. There's no way the plane will neatly oscillate in yaw.
Wrong. It will.
If you look close enough at the final second of this video, you will see how the tail moves up and down and left an right, despite the plane being fixed to the ground both at the wings (right where the guns are) and at the tail.
It's easy enough to imagine how the plane would have jumped off the rack if it wasn't latched properly:
We know that the mean recoil and hence slowing that is imparted by symmetrically arranged guns all barking together act in concert as an essentially averaged and constant force pushing back against the plane more or less on its longitudinal axis.
This is misinterpreting physics and drawing exactly the opposite conclusion of reality.
We know that
momentarily the force is
not constant and is
not symmetrical to the plane axis.
some aerodynamic force whose impact becomes apparent with the change in velocity
Almost right.
It's an aerodynamic force whose impact only applies to moving wings.
If you take a look at the above video again, at the time where the guns are all firing, watch the massive amount of exhaust gases from the guns.
Without firing guns, air moves smoothly across the wing surface.
The moment you start shooting, the airflow become airbitrarily interrupted where the guns are, and this happens in a totally random, non-symmetrical, unpredictable, distortet manner.
This is what causes most of the vibration and oscillation when firing the guns.
The recoil in comparison is just a rather small contributor to the issue.
The kernel of the question is the magnitude of this force.
Buy yourself a P-47 and measure it.
There's no other way I'm afraid.
Or simply trust those who flew the kite before, reported back yaw oscillation issues while firing guns and eventually caused the dorsal fin modification to be invented.
I'm not sure why some of us seem to think that people back then did this out of pure boredom...
a faster velocity induces a stronger weathercocking effect, making departures in yaw harder to effect.
Wrong again.
Weathercocking on an already yaw-instable plane simply causes it to lose it's weak lateral stability.
Your logic would indicate that an aircraft could fly without keel in heavy crosswinds, because it can't fully counter it anyway?
any induced yaw should scale, to some degree, inversely as the indicated airspeed.
Wrong again, ignoring the aerodynamic impact of exhaust gases from gun barrels.
Our game's silly treatment
*Cough* eh... what?
seems to apply the same huge moment at all airspeeds.
Granted, the effect should be more pronounced in a certain speed range, but since I didn't find sources stating at which speed the effect was most noticeable, I skipped this part.
In theory, the effect would start off small at zero speed (only recoil effect contributing here, with zero lateral stability of the plane due to absence of airflow over control surfaces).
The it would start to rise (distorted airflow from gun barrel gases over the wings) up to a point where the airflow over the tail surfaces would cause a larger stabilisation effect than the distorted airflow over the wings causes a destabilisation.
From there on, the effect would become smaller.
What's the critical speed? God knows.
When reading pilot reports of the marked slowing down while firing guns in combat, some figures are surely either exaggerated or are the result of contributions by other forces. Such as a Spit or Hurri being slowed by 30 mph after firing 8 (or perhaps 12) .303 guns for a second or two. Induced drag in a high-G turn will be the dominant force here.
What you're saying here is that pilots - and not just a few of them - told blatant lies, while at the same time you consequently ignore the fact that distorted airflow has a significantly different effect to surfaces compared to laminar of at least constant, smooth airflow.
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