First to do is learn to fly around 300Km/H, reached, apply full Flaps,
try flying it, Throttle, 20/30/40 %. Stay below 300 Km/H and learn how the Trottle, Kite reacts.
Watch the Speed, use Throttle to hold.
Sure if flaps up, it will spool up the Revs. But a full Flaps flight was nothing unusual, most Pilots
avoided if too fearsome. But in LW Pilots courses on Flaps A/C it was a demanded Drill to be able to control
a flight on longer habbits under full flapps applied. This was to counter bad habbits, emotions and other security measures.
After a bit flying, turns and burns trying to catch up speed, not loosing too much, not exceeding 300, you'll see it's
flyable, not the most beautifull flight, but you need to be able to handle that level of flight fully.
After T/O give Throttle, everything above 60% I bet you can handle, the under 300 level is sth. to master,
not comparable to the burn and turn. You'll see it's a different feeling.
After you mastered the low speed Course get to know to use Kurvengleitflug, Sideslipgliding path.
You can if mastered the previous course land like Wonder Lynn.
How I learn a previously not flown, unknown a/c, is exactly the same as above, if it has flaps, first is to fly them safely, learn the slow side,
surf the Stall literally safe and sound.
According the LW Pamphlets for a Bf109F a gliding path of 180/190 is recommended at angle 27.9° (w. Flaps full) for an excess speed landing glidepath.
Don't use a path of 14.3° that is a non Flaps approach, and deals with lower Speed appoach.
Since the D-9 has a more powerfull engine than the Friedrich, plant your gliding path higher, at 200/210 (w. Flaps full) for 27.9° Glidingpath.
I wouldn't undershoot 190 if I where you, as that is a risky area. I felt safe and had good controls around 200-210.
Prop Pitch in the Fw190 is automatic, the whole Kite is an automatic Wonder, so just concentrate on Flight controls.
If you're around high alt, coming for base, it can be 0% Power, you're still having such excess Speed, it's risky to land,
do a turn over base excersise the full sflaps flight/turns over base until your're in safe Speeds,
actually a speed Landing is very hard to accomplish with a D-9, so get to learn patience, knowledge to counter that habbit.
No fast ins.