Credits to PvF for the screenshot
Contents: 2 Planes
Me 362A, 4x BMW 003 side-by-side
Me 362B, 4x Jumo 004 stacked vertically
98 loadouts each
Available guns:
two or four MK 108, MK 103, MG 213/20, or MK 213/30
upper guns replaceable with MG 151/20s
one BK 3.7 gunpod with either AP or HE ammo
Available bombs:
two or four AB/SC 250/500s
Available rockets:
twenty-four R4M mounted in the nose, or
four or six Werfer-Granate 21s under the wings, or
two X-4 wire-guided missiles
Confirmed Compatible With: UltraPack 3.4.x
BAT 4.x
VP Modpack
ModAct 5.3
SAS Common Utils (not needed if you have UP or BAT)
Download: Me 362 v20231105 for BAT and UltraPack via Mediafire
Me 362 v20231105 for ModAct and VP modpack via Mediafire
Self-Stationary Planes:
Mission_bug's SSP ThreadVersion History:v20231105
- Fixed engines 3 and 4 not being rendered inoperable upon scraping the ground
v20231104 (previously Public Beta 20231103a)
- The BAT/UP version and ModAct/VP version are now shipped as separate downloads
- Updated the engine 3D to the 3D from AMT's Me 262C/SB pack
- Fixed loadouts not loading properly in VP Modpack and some other custom ModAct installs
- Tuned FMs to increase drag, worsen stall characteristics, and decrease maximum G-loading for both planes, moreso the B model.
- Added 4.12 mach drag characteristics to both planes
Public Beta v20231101a
- Added loadouts for 4 or 6 Wfr.Gr.21s, depending on whether droptanks are equipped
- Added loadouts for mixing MG151/20s with MK103s or MK108s
- Added loadouts for mixing MG213/20s with MK213/30s
- Added loadouts for using AB 500s against bombers with X-4s
- Decreased amount of ammunition for MG213/20s from 200/160 to 160/120
- Decreased amount of ammunition for MK213/30s from 200/160 to 100/80
- Fixed Me 362 B missing Pylon_D0.msh in hier.him
- Fixed engine collision mesh correlation
Public Beta v20231031b
- Added bomb loadouts for only 2 bombs, even without gunpod
- Added bomb loadouts for mixing AB- and SC-type bombs together
- Differentiated between AP BK 3.7 gunpod for ground attack and HE BK 3.7 for bomber interception
- Fixed under-nose bomb pylons not showing in arming screen
- Fixed gauge needle cockpit light overlays not matching up with normal textures
- Fixed ammo counters not properly displaying when cockpit lights are off
- Fixed incorrectly named loadout "2x Type D + BK 3.7 + 24x R4M"; previously, the name did not mention the R4M
- Removed unnecessary extra files that were left in by mistake
Public Beta v20231031a
- Added Me 362 A with side-by-side BMW 003 engines
- Added Me 362 B with vertically stacked Jumo 004 engines
- Standalone external and cockpit 3D
- Doubled up engine gauges in cockpit
- Added lettering to engine gauges in cockpit for identification of which gauge needle correlates with which engine
- Quadruplified throttle in cockpit
- Added 48 loadouts featuring MK 103, MK 108, MG/MK 213, BK 3.7, SC/AB 250/500, R4M, and X-4
Credits:Sources- Code based on UltraPack 3.4
- Default skin from UltraPack 3.4 (FBDSM? Creator unknown)
- AMT for the updated 3D of the Jumo 004s
- Me 262 Ultimate Pack (SAS~Anto, SAS~CirX, SAS~Sani, SAS~GJE52, Knochenlutcher, Crazyflak, Birdman, and Twister)
- All of this is based upon the default Me 262 A-1a by 1C/Maddox
Other contributors- Epervier helped to fix a particularly nasty bug that I brainfarted and missed
- PvF and Ta183Huckbein assisted in brainstorming and testing
- Piotrek1 and Flamer50 provided bug reports
S~ and enjoy!