Has anyone done a PB2Y yet? It's one of the lesser known flying boats used in the Second World War and of course it was made by the same company that built the more famous PBY Catalina. Photos and specs below

Specs:Crew 7 to 10
Dimensions 115' by 79'3" by 27'6"
35.05m by 24.16m by 8.38m
Wing area 1780 square feet
165.4 square meters
Weight 40,935-68,000 lbs
18,568-31,000 kg
Maximum speed 213 mph (343 km/h) at 19,500 feet (5900 meters)
199 mph (320 km/h) at sea level
Cruise speed 140 mph
225 km/h
Landing speed 76 mph
122 km/h
Climb rate 9 feet per second
2.7 meters per second
Service ceiling 20,100 feet
6130 meters
Power plant 4 1200 hp (895 kW) Pratt & Whitney R-1830-88 Twin Wasp two-row 14-cylinder radial engines driving three-bladed propellers
Armament 1 twin 0.50 nose turret
1 twin 0.50 dorsal turret
1 twin 0.50 tail turret
2 0.50 flexible waist machine guns
Bomb load up to 8000 lbs (3600 kg) internal plus 4000 lbs (1800 kg) external, including torpedoes
Range 2310 miles (3720 km) with 4 325lb (147 kg) depth charges, 1380 miles (2220 km) with 8000 lbs (3600 kg) bombs, 3107 miles (5000 km) ferry
Fuel 1580 gallons (5980 liters) normal
Production 210 PB2Y-3 at Consolidated Aircraft, San Diego from 12/40 to 10/43.
Sensors Most units had ASV radar.
Variants Few aircraft have been as extensively modified.
The PB2Y-2 was faster at 255 mph but only a few were produced.
The –3R was demilitarized and used to transport 44 passengers or 16,000 pounds (7000 kilograms) cargo.
The –5 had 60% more fuel.
The –5H was an unarmed air ambulance capable of accommodating 25 stretchers.