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Author Topic: The Spanish Civil War 1937-1939, a campaign for TGA - updated August 28, 2024  (Read 6900 times)

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    • vonOben's Flight Sim Mods

The Spanish Civil War 1937-1939 / Spanischer Bürgerkrieg 1937-1939

For IL-2 1946 with BAT 4.2.2 hotfix 4 and Asura’s DGenMOD 2.1.  Tested in BAT 4.2.3 without any problems.

This is a complete campaign mod for IL-2 1946 built in BAT 4.2.2 with hotfix 4 applied which is in the works, if someone is interested I can upload the first sub-campaign which is done and every mission has been generated and tested.

This campaign has been under development for a very long time!
I started the historical research in December 2015 and made the first DGenMOD files for the Spanish maps.
But for the actual campaign work I had to wait a few years for Asura to add the Spanish nations to DGenMOD, which were added in
version (Condor Legion, Italian Legionnaires, Spanish Nationalists & Spanish Republic).

My first intention was to make a normal DGen type of campaign, but then I switched my mind and turned for a more historic accurate
one. My goal was to include as many missions as possible, flying for a squadron at the correct time of day, to the correct target
area and facing similar opposition. Because of lack of historic information those historic missions are mixed with "best guess" type
of missions, where the target area is to a likely area, but with the date and time and opposition may not be historically correct.
I'm play testing the campaign, generating every campaign mission to find bugs, so it's thoroughly tested.

Campaign Information
The Spanish Civil War 1937-39.
The campaign starts with the Biscay offensive on 31 March. The offensive against Vizcaya and its capital Bilbao was to be
spearheaded by Spanish and Italian ground forces backed by Italian light tanks, all under the command of General Emilio Mola, but
the offensive also saw the debut of the steadily re-equipping Staffeln of the Condor Legion. The Heinkel He 51 biplanes with which
Jagdgruppe 88 was initially equipped were shown to be obsolete as air superiority fighters as soon as monoplane Soviet bombers
and fighters started appearing over Spain. Before air supremacy could be gained the development of new German fighter types had
to be completed urgently; and in November 1936 prototypes of the monoplane Messerschmitt Bf 109 and Heinkel He 112 were sent
to Spain. The Condor Legion pilots preferred the Bf 109 and, in March 1937, they started to receive the first operational examples of
what was indisputably the best fighter used in the Civil War. For months the He 51 and Bf 109 co-existed in J/88, with the
monoplanes grouped into the 2./J88 and later 1./J88; while the jealous pilots of 3./J88 specialized in ground-attack missions with the
He 51, the Bf 109s provided top cover.
At this point the only campaign included at this point is the Condor Legion 2./J88 campaign, but it can be expanded in the future if
there are any interest. And if so please let me know which campaigns you would like to have included.
In DGenMOD allows you to more accurately reproduce the conditions for historical missions. This feature allows you to set
up missions to specific target areas at a specified date & time and with specified weather. Transfer missions only allow for mission
date and the new airfield, but it's not possible to specify time and weather.
All campaigns should have correct airfields and transfers and most of the missions are based on historical conditions.
When the historically correct airfield is not present on the IL-2 Spanish maps I've used nearby airfields instead.

These planes are used in the campaign (the planes can vary between the sub-campaigns):
Do17Z_0  (used as a stand-in instead of the models that were used in Spain: Do17E, Do17F and Do17P)

Screenshots from the Bilbao sub-campaign:

This dynamic (DGen) campaign includes Asura’s DGenMOD, required with all of its files as included. As a consequence, this
is a standalone campaign: do not try to play it at same time with other DGen campaigns (you can play static campaigns, though).
Other versions of Asura’s DGenMOD, different from that contained in this pack will not work!

The following planes, objects and mods are included since they are missing in BAT 4.2.2 TGA with hotfix 4:
Aero_A101 replaced the default skin textures to a Nationalist version, since the stationary plane kept the default skin.
JU_87B1 from BAT WAW dump.
New Countries: SpainCondor & SpainLegion and some edits for Spain Nationalist numbering by vonOben.
New Squadrons: Aviazione Legionaria Squadriglia, Condor Legion, Spanish Republic & Spain Nationalist by vonOben.
Stationary Planes (He45, I_16TYPE10 & JU_87B1) by vonOben.
Stationary Plane Dornie_J_Wal from UltraSpain 2019 by Jir and Ton.

Since this campaign does alter stock files, and replaces DGen.exe, some Asura’s files and BAT ini files with custom ones, it is
highly recommended to install (and remove, when finished) by Jone Soft Generic Mod Enabler. So open the 7z-file and extract to
your BATMODS folder in the IL-2 1946 main folder and activate through JSGME.
When done, open the menu to start a new career for Condor Legion, you’ll see listed “Spanischer Bürgerkrieg 1937-1939”.

DGenMOD campaigns are generated exactly the same as any ordinary DGen campaign.

The following sub-campaigns are included:
Bilbao, 31 March – 31 May, 1937  // Done (47 missions)
Bilbao, 4 June – 5 July, 1937 // Done (18 missions)
Brunete,  8 - 17 July, 1937  // Done (10 missions)
Brunete,  18 - 27 July, 1937  // Done (10 missions)
Santander, 30 July - 24 August, 1937  // Done (15 missions)
Asturias 25 August - 23 October, 1937 // Done (48 missions)
Teruel, 27 November, 1937 – 8 January, 1938  // Done (18 missions)
Teruel, 9 January, 1938 – 22 February, 1938   // Done (18 missions)
Aragon, 7 March, 1938 – 19 April, 1938 // Done (24 missions)
Levante, 24 April, 1938 – 24 July, 1938 // Done (45 missions)
Ebro, 25 July – 27 September, 1938 // Done (40 missions)
Ebro, 28 September– 16 November 1938 // Done (17 missions)
Catalonia, 8 December, 1938 - 21 February, 1939   // Done (35 missions)
Madrid, 2 March 1939 – 27 March, 1939 // Done (10 missions) // 355 missions total

_Harpia_Mafra55 Who made the He-51 & SM-79 skins.
Archie      Who made the Aero A101, Breguet 19HV & Ju-87A2 skins.
Asura      The creator of DGenMOD, who have helped me a lot when I've run into problems.
CC_Tofolo           Who made the Nationalist CR.32 skins.   
Greybeard           The creator of many DGenMOD campaigns, has inspired and given many good advises along the way.
H-K              Who made the I-16 Type 5 & 6 skins.
Hayate      Who made the Hs-123A-1 skin.
Juanmalapuente   Who made CR.32 & He-46C skins.
Mangas      Who made the I-16 Type 10 skin.
ManOWar      Who made the Bf-109B-1 & Bf-109B-2 & Bf-109E-1 skins.
PA Asis      Who made the He-45 skin.
Pedro Caparros   Who made the He-70 skin.
Phasmid      Who made some of the SB2M-100A skins, the SM-79, I15M22 and I15M25 skins.
Poltava      Who made some of the mis files that I used as a starting point for some of these campaigns.
Repetier_71   Who made the CR.32 24a Squadriglia skin, the He-51 Grupo 1-G-2 skin and updated I15M25 and I15M22 skins by Phasmid.
stiv_069           Who made the DH-89 template.
VonWaffen   Who made the He-51 111 skin.
vpmedia      Who made the Ju-52 transport skin.
Who did the other skins is unknown to me, since I found them in the BAT skinpack and in other SCW campaigns.

The campaign is based on the historical information collected from the following sources:

Air War over Spain by A. Permuy Lopez
Air war over Spain by Larrazabal
Atlas Ilustrado de la aviacion en la Guerra civil Espanola
Condor The Luftwaffe in Spain 1936-1939 by Patrick Laureau
Guerra di Spagna e Aviazione Italiana by Ferdinando Pedriali
Legion Condor 1936-1939 by Karl Ries & Hans Ring
Luftwaffe Colours - Jagdwaffe - The Spanish Civil War
Osprey - Aces Of The Legion Condor
Osprey - Fiat CR.32 Aces of the Spanish Civil War
Osprey - Polikarpov I-15, I-16 and I-153 Aces
Osprey - Savoia-Marchetti S79 Sparviero bomber units
Osprey - Spanish Civil War Air Forces
Osprey - Spanish Republican Aces
Osprey - The Condor Legion - German Troops in the Spanish Civil War
Osprey - The Spanish Civil War 1936-39 - Nationalist forces
Osprey - The Spanish Civil War 1936-39 - Republican forces
Spearhead - Condor Legion - The Wehrmacht's Training Ground


Best regards



vonOben's Flight Sim Mods  http://vonoben.free.fr/ Twenty Years online January 3, 2022!


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dont see a link to dwld


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As I wrote above: The campaign is in the works, and only the först sub-campaign is finished.
But I can upload if anyone is interested.  ;)
vonOben's Flight Sim Mods  http://vonoben.free.fr/ Twenty Years online January 3, 2022!


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Hi vonOben. You can always make the first campaign available and suggest players fly it and do not complete the last mission. That way you can add the next campaign so they can continue their career with the second campaign and so on until the end of the war.

That would also highlight any issues that may arise so you can amend them during your work on the whole set of sub campaigns.

Well done on giving this a go. There don't seem to be many of us creating campaigns for players these days.



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Hi Lars

Exactly my thoughts!   ;)
I’ll upload when I have time.

Best regards

vonOben's Flight Sim Mods  http://vonoben.free.fr/ Twenty Years online January 3, 2022!


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Looking forward to it as i have a good collection on this subject even though i dont like to use the modified dgen as i normally forget about it and ......my ongoing campaigns


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The first sub-campaign "Bilbao" with 68 missions is now uploaded on my site.

If you want to continue with the next sub-campaign, please follow the suggestions from Lars above!

The last mission in the Bilbao campaign is on July 5th, and I've added this information to the briefing as a reminder as well.

This campaign includes edited TGA ini files!

I highly advice to follow this recommendation from the DGenMOD User manual, but I suggest to make a backup after every mission just in case.
IMPORTANT! For better use of the new generator (DGenMOD) it is highly recommended to make backup copies every 5-10 missions. Follow the steps below:
Step 1 – make a folder to store backup copies.
Step 2 – copy the Users folder, with all its content, from the main folder of the game (C:\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\Users for example) to the new folder.
Step 3 – copy your current campaign’s folder, with all its content, from the Missions folder (C:\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\Missions\Campaign\UN\dgen_1_coralsea16 for example) to the new folder.
In case of malfunction of the generator just copy the backup files back to the game’s folders.

http://vonoben.free.fr/   Il-2 1946 Misc files page
vonOben's Flight Sim Mods  http://vonoben.free.fr/ Twenty Years online January 3, 2022!


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I checked on your site but couldn't find any download link


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  • no skill just simple, but seek the best beauty !!

His site is not even accessible to me... ::(


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I checked on your site but couldn't find any download link

On the top of every page on my site there is a download instruction:

”If you samt to download a file, click on the underlined heading for that download.”
vonOben's Flight Sim Mods  http://vonoben.free.fr/ Twenty Years online January 3, 2022!


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His site is not even accessible to me... ::(

How come?
vonOben's Flight Sim Mods  http://vonoben.free.fr/ Twenty Years online January 3, 2022!


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His site is not even accessible to me... ::(
You need to create an exception for your browser\antivirus to access http sites normally only https connection are accepted
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