Anyone who is taking advantage of this fantastic sound mod, please note that in the Next Generation Sound Engine NGSE.ini configuration file Benitomuso's cockpit sounds are disabled by default:
doCockpitSounds 0 // 0 or 1, enables the functionality of Benitomuso's cockpit sounds mod
Also, the ReadMe on the first page notes that the Full Throttle Smoke Mod is incompatible with NGSE, which I thought was WxTech Effect's V1.6 Full Throttle Smoke addition, but when I removed those class files my game locked up whenever attacking twin-engine bombers, an issue that Glenn reported here in his forum thread:
The errors:
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.doExplosion(
at com.maddox.il2.objects.air.Aircraft.msgEndAction(
indeed do involve Aircraft.doExplosion(). In this method I've added a check for the number of aircraft engines, which Explosions.class uses to determine the fireball/smoke effects to use upon crashing. I've also added in this method a new explosion effect randomly generated if the plane is TypeBomber. This all works fine in B.A.T. 4.0.
The introduction of this new variable for the number of engines requires that Explosions.class (in the main effects folder) and this Aircraft.class (in the full throttle smoke folder) must be both used together.
As far as I've been able to tell so far, the Full Throttle Smoke folder included with WxTech Effect's V1.6 package is safe to use with the newest version of the sound mod.