Campaign 01 - Marshalls Islands , USS Enterprise CV-6 Air group 1 February 1942. USS Enterprise torpedo and dive bombers pilots fly to MArshalls islands for to find and destroy enemy ship and airfields of the japanese empire in three missions. VB-6 squadron fly SBD -3 Dautless to conducts an air raid over Roi Island to damage a japanese airfield; VT-6 Torpedo squadron fly the TBD-1 Devastator in a mission over Kwajalein harbour to sink japanese military or merchant ship ; VF-6 fighter squadron fly F4F-3 Wildcat in a mission over Wojte island to air support during the US Navy ship bombardment over the enemy instalations over Wojte island
Long maps Pacific missions so, use advance speed time to fly fast to targets after takeoff.

Disable fragile torpedoes on Weapons & Stores settings, B.A.T mod Ai planes doesnt work very well to drop torpedos in low altitude and speed settings **
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VF-6 Fighter Air group , F4F-3 Wildcat, Wade McClusky Lieutenant Commander
VB-6 Dive bomber group , SBD-3 Dauntles , William Hollingsworth LieutenantCommander

VT-6 Torpedo/ Bomber air group , Eugene Lindsey Lieutenant Commander
Campaign 02: Gilberts Islands , USS Yorktown CV-5 Air Group Squadrons1 February 1942. USS Yorktown Air group squadrons conducts air raids over Jaluit , Makin and Mili islands , around Marshall islands and Gilberts islands.
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Campaign 03 - Action Off Rabaul On the morning of the 20th,February 1942 USS Lexington flagship of the Task Force BAKER compused by ten other warship was some 350 miles sultheast of Rabaul for a surprise air raid over Rabaul harbour on New Britain island . Our RADAR detected enemy patrol flying boats , and these planes no doubt reported the presence of our task force. VF-3 Fighter group was send to interceptation missions for to find and destroy enemy recon airplanes patrols, and enemy bombers big formation coming high and fast to destroy ou aircraft carrier USS Lexington CV-2
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