While playing with the wreckage, which is handled specifically in method Aircraft.explode(), I've been dealing also with the plane chunks as they become separated from each other and fall individually. This is done in methods cut() and cut_Subtrees(). Formerly, the velocities of the chunks have been the same as the plane at the moment of being cut. The result is that they look as though they suffer practically no drag, maintaining much the same speed as the intact, streamlined plane, all falling as a body albeit separating.
But once real parts are chopped from a plane and subject to aerodynamic forces, their drag will typically result in a rapid deceleration. Especially for high aspect, low density parts like wings and control surfaces. I believe there exists code to apply a drag, involving an assumed mass based on size of the chunk's mesh. It would take some ferreting and stumbling about for this non programmer.
In the meantime, an easy expedient is to merely apply a random smaller velocity for the chunks. For the moment I'm using a speed reduced by factor of 0.6 to 0.85.
This screen cap shows the result, about a second or so after wrecking that poor Fulmar. Formerly the bunch of plane parts would have been still in the immediate vicinity of the parent plane. Here we see a notable falling behind, as well as a dispersion in distance resulting from the aforementioned randomized speed reduction applied to each part. A neat result is the more rapid overtaking of the debris! Another agreeable result is a fall pattern on the ground covering a longer footprint along the flight path upon the surface. Instead of the previous, most unnatural, geometric arc resulting from the identical velocities, there is now a more organic distribution to the surface impacts.
Yes, there's that favourite descriptor of mine again; "organic." I like simulated behaviour to at least pretend to pay lip service to reality. This involves what I call an organic randomness. Any improvement upon artificial regularity, even if as simple and crude as this, is a step forward, I think.
Furthermore, there has been only ever been the
one effect tied to the chunks when separated. Originally it was a smoke, lasting for 3 seconds, with a 50% chance of occurrence. There are mods in which this effect is made into a fire (sometimes comically huge!). I have added a second effect, so that now there is an independent chance of occurrence of either or both of a fire and smoke. This is further randomized in size and duration (at the moment, fire can be generated for 0.5-1.5 seconds, smoke 0.75-2.5 seconds.) The fire has a smaller chance of being invoked than the smoke (here in this image a few parts are smoking; no fire attends.) More variety, baby!
The important element in this image is the pile of plane parts my Zero is rapidly overtaking,
quite soon after wrecking the Fulmar. Additionally, note the dispersion in distance from the Fulmar due to the differing velocity reduction applied to each individual piece.