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Author Topic: Does BATMODS function as the MODS folder?  (Read 920 times)

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Does BATMODS function as the MODS folder?
« on: January 19, 2024, 09:20:49 PM »

Very, very dumb question I know, but I'm quite new to this and in the process of trying to install some additional individual aircraft mods (as well as get the fixes for others without outright installing the very newest version of BAT) I noticed that the installation instructions for many of these is "Unzip to your MODS folder" but I seem to lack a "MODS" folder (but have a BATMODS folder) and I have been left puzzled and lost.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


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Re: Does BATMODS function as the MODS folder?
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2024, 09:39:39 PM »

Assuming you game is B.A.T., you will put mods into such folders as #WAW3, which is content suitable for the WW2 module. In my game this is the only mods folder I have. I gather that users having other modules for the different eras will have additional mod folders to suit, such as #DOF (Dawn of Flight), #TGA (The Golden Age) and #JTW (The Jet War); I don't recall if they will include a number in the folder name.
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Re: Does BATMODS function as the MODS folder?
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2024, 09:46:02 PM »

... grilled...  :D

#DOF3 (Dawn of Flight)
#JTW3 (The Jet War)
#TGA3 (The Golden Age)
#WAW3 (Wold at War)

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  • UberDemon/danzigzag
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Re: Does BATMODS function as the MODS folder?
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2024, 12:18:00 AM »

What they said above, however to have a complete answer to your question, BAT also uses JSGME (JSGME.exe in same folder as il2.exe or IL-2/BAT installed folder).  JSGME is  the JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler, which is a freeware tool that helps gamers add mod libraries to their games.  In BAT there are some features that can be enabled if you so desire, and JSGME allows easy enabling/disabling of certain features.  JSGME is a good way to fastly add a mod or feature to any program, but at the expense of drive space, because of duplication and keeping up with what gets overwritten and backed up.

To make a long story short (... too late), BATMODS is the folder where BAT's JSGME keeps its MODs...  (JSGME allows the used to define where the mods are... it just happens to be BATMODS for BAT.)  You can look at that directory, or you can start JSGME to see what features you can enable.

This is different from the #WAW3, etc folders.  Those are for you to install custom mods, like additional planes or features released between major BAT upgrades/versions, although make sure you read on how you have to make changes to certain text files to enable certain mods, like planes (you need to add entries to some files, or they won't work), namely "air.ini" at #[WAW or DOF or SAS or TGA or JTW]3\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects and optionally (if you want nice text) "plane.properties" and "weapon.properties" at #[WAW or DOF or SAS or TGA or JTW]3\i18n.
Best Regards, UberDemon/danzigzag, Get UQMG at SAS BAT Mission area.  www.uberdemon.net no longer exists.  (** Alienware Aurora R7 / i7-8700 3.20GHz / 16GB RAM / Win 10 x64 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 **)

Sergent Pepper

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Re: Does BATMODS function as the MODS folder?
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2024, 07:24:07 AM »

Very, very dumb question I know, but I'm quite new to this and in the process of trying to install some additional individual aircraft mods (as well as get the fixes for others without outright installing the very newest version of BAT) I noticed that the installation instructions for many of these is "Unzip to your MODS folder" but I seem to lack a "MODS" folder (but have a BATMODS folder) and I have been left puzzled and lost.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.
BATMODS is rather a second jsgmemods folder.
If you want to add planes, for example, you should avoid using it (it would be very complicated because of the essential editing of .ini files).
It is better to use the folders #WAW3, #TGA3 etc).
These are the folders which are the realy “equivalents” of the MODS folder.


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Re: Does BATMODS function as the MODS folder?
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2024, 10:10:11 AM »

BATMODS is rather a second jsgmemods folder.
If you want to add planes, for example, you should avoid using it (it would be very complicated because of the essential editing of .ini files).

Don't disagree, but there is a way to use JSGME for that.  I created set of batch files that did exactly that about 12 years ago and called UQMI:  https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,23397.msg238813.html#msg238813

I think the biggest problem is that using JSGME duplicates/wastes a lot of  harddrive space because of duplication.

When I want to test a new plane in BAT, I have a working JSGME Mod I update by adding a plane to the MOD, and editing air.ini.  If you have BAT WAW you can give it a try in its current form which adds the following flyable planes, as well as drivable tanks and boats.

Code: [Select]
*                                        air.Placeholder
***Custom_Added_MODs                     air.Placeholder
**************************************** air.Placeholder
*                                        air.Placeholder

JeepGunner    air.JEEPGUNBOAT 1              NOINFO usa01 SUMMER
M4A1   air.M4A1 NOINFO  usa01 SUMMER
Tiger-I   air.PanzerVIE NOINFO  g01 SUMMER
T-34-85   air.T_34_85 1 NOINFO  r01 SUMMER
PanzerIVF2   air.PanzerIVF2 2 NOINFO  g01 SUMMER
PT-Boat           air.PT_BOAT 1                                 usa01 SUMMER
C-46             air.C_46 1                                   usa01 DESERT
P-55A         air.P_55A 1                 NOINFO  usa01 DESERT
P-66        air.P_66 1      NOINFO  usa01 DESERT
EKW_C36           air.EKWC36 1  NOINFO   i01     SUMMER
P7a           air.P7a 1  NOINFO   usa01     SUMMER
Fi-156C-1         air.FI_156C1 2                        NOINFO  g01   SUMMER
Fi-156C-3         air.FI_156C3 2                        NOINFO  g01   SUMMER
Me-362A    air.ME_362A 2 NOINFO  g01   SUMMER
Me-362B    air.ME_362B 2 NOINFO  g01   SUMMER
FW_190_S8         air.FW_190_S8 2       g01   SUMMER
IL-20       air.IL_20 1         NOINFO  r01   SUMMER

I didn't do anything to the properties files, and there are some skins included as well.

If you want to try it:
* Download this (about 308MB):  https://www.mediafire.com/file/agtl8itoqe6kc79/%2523MOD11.zip/file
* Unizip it in the BATMODS folder
* Add Mod using JSGME
* Start IL-2 BAT in WAW module
* Very Important!:  Enjoy!

Note that the boat mods can only be used one at a time... so I used the required PT boat mod to try the U-Boat mod.
Best Regards, UberDemon/danzigzag, Get UQMG at SAS BAT Mission area.  www.uberdemon.net no longer exists.  (** Alienware Aurora R7 / i7-8700 3.20GHz / 16GB RAM / Win 10 x64 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 **)


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Re: Does BATMODS function as the MODS folder?
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2024, 04:02:35 PM »

I think I understand now, thank you for the clarification everyone


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Re: Does BATMODS function as the MODS folder?
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2024, 04:31:08 AM »

Ooooo panzers. Very nice. And super interesting planes !!! Thank you very much UberDemon!
Just one (perhaps stupid) question: When I start the tank, I activate the left and right tracks with X and Y, the tank moves left and right. But how do I just move forward? Even with chocks away, the tank stands and shakes. I also tried pressing/releasing the brake, it doesn't work. If I give too much gas, the engine overheats in seconds.


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Re: Does BATMODS function as the MODS folder?
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2024, 12:00:42 PM »


If you dig in the mod folder for the tanks, you will see the readme from CY6.

You'll need to use the 'Bomber Adjust Sight Distance' keys to change the throttle settings before moving. The keyed speed will determine the speed of the tank, not your actual throttle, which you can have at any speed (think of it like a gearbox). Most of the tanks have a max speed of 45, but I recommend staying under 30 for maximum control. You can also key up negative speeds, but the tanks only reverse very, very slowly.

Turn by twisting the rudder, just like the jeep. You can turn in place by setting the speed to 0 and increasing your joystick throttle to max and using max rudder, as long as you're not an incline. The tanks are artificially stabilized but may still have problems on steep inclines, especially when dipping and suddenly pitching up. They will also explode if they hit trees, and cannot cross bridges, so I recommend using on open terrain away from buildings.

To avoid tipping over, the tanks will stop moving if any of their wheels come off the ground. Handle with care!

Here is the Readme

Code: [Select]
Add this to your air.ini:

M4A1   air.M4A1 NOINFO  usa01 SUMMER
Tiger-I   air.PanzerVIE NOINFO  g01 SUMMER
T-34-85   air.T_34_85 1 NOINFO  r01 SUMMER
PanzerIVF2   air.PanzerIVF2 2 NOINFO  g01 SUMMER

NOTE: These tanks are based on the JEEP with Super Gunner by UberDemon/danzigzag. You must have it installed for this mod to work.

How to use these tanks:

There are a few issues with turning planes into tanks. First off, the landing gear on planes don't actually provide any propulsion, all thrust has to come from the engine. Since these tanks are relatively heavy (though not as heavy as a real one!) they would have trouble on inclines, etc, if not for a little coding trickery.

You'll need to use the 'Bomber Adjust Sight Distance' keys to change the throttle settings before moving. The keyed speed will determine the speed of the tank, not your actual throttle, which you can have at any speed (think of it like a gearbox). Most of the tanks have a max speed of 45, but I recommend staying under 30 for maximum control. You can also key up negative speeds, but the tanks only reverse very, very slowly.

Turn by twisting the rudder, just like the jeep. You can turn in place by setting the speed to 0 and increasing your joystick throttle to max and using max rudder, as long as you're not an incline. The tanks are artificially stabilized but may still have problems on steep inclines, especially when dipping and suddenly pitching up. They will also explode if they hit trees, and cannot cross bridges, so I recommend using on open terrain away from buildings.

To avoid tipping over, the tanks will stop moving if any of their wheels come off the ground. Handle with care!

The tanks have no internal cockpit, instead your default POV will be above the turret, as if you're an unbuttoned commander. To aim the cannon, switch cockpits and you'll get a reticle to aim the main gun (Turret Fire Button). You can fire the co-axial machine-gun with the default machine-gun trigger button. I recommend assigning a secondary fire trigger (like Shift Left-Mouse) so you can fire the co-axial gun while aiming the turret.

I recommend Locking the Tail Wheel when firing the main gun to reduce recoil, which can slide the tanks around a bit otherwise, especially when firing off-axis. Remember, they're still just planes underneath!

There is no hull machine-gun, but on the M4A1 you can switch to the turret-mounted M2 50. cal. This is a little tricky to aim as you'll be moving the actual external model, there's no "inside" version to aim down the sights. This just made more sense in terms of the default POV and seemed like more fun to me.

The tanks use a crude armor model. They will shrug off hits below a certain calibre and be destroyed by hits above that calibre, depending on the model. It seems reasonable within the limits of the game engine. There is no locational armor, etc, this is just for fun after all.

Remember to set them for takeoff at the start of a mission, I recommend flat terrain!

Have fun!

Best Regards, UberDemon/danzigzag, Get UQMG at SAS BAT Mission area.  www.uberdemon.net no longer exists.  (** Alienware Aurora R7 / i7-8700 3.20GHz / 16GB RAM / Win 10 x64 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 **)


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Re: Does BATMODS function as the MODS folder?
« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2024, 01:47:04 PM »

Thank you very much UberDemon!  ]salut[ ]thumright[
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