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Author Topic: More work on reducing AI staying with damaged planes to destruction  (Read 1167 times)

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It's long bugged me that in so many instances AI will inexplicably stay with clearly disabled planes all the way to crashing. One particularly egregious offender is the Wildcat. It seems the aileron controls are quite prone to being hit--as you'll see below. The stock treatment caused the pilot to ignore his impending doom, and legion are the instances where I've watched the idiots meekly stay aboard their crate as it slowly spirals to earth with disabled ailerons.

For the three control surface systems, aileron, elevator and rudder, AircraftState.doSetControlsDamage() renders the control ineffective, which can lead to a crash. Unless some other triggering event causes a bailout, the AI sticks with the crate no matter what.

I've expanded upon the method by adding conditional checks (with some randomization) by which to cause a bailout. I include two output runs to check on what the code is doing. This output goes to log.lst (via the temporarily active System.out.println() commands). The mission is my 9 Zeros vs 12 Wildcats, where  I knocked down the vast majority. The enemy are identified by their assigned number and an asterisk (no asterisk present denotes a friendly). Note that there can be multiple instances of the triggering event, depending on how much I'm pummelling the crap out of the victim. A "hit" event identifies the stock result; the "----bail" events are the result of my new code. Previously, no bailout would have been commanded.

Different planes can have vastly differing 'sensitivity' to controls damage. As noted, the Wildcat has particularly easy-to-hit aileron cables. Some planes can be blasted to bits in great numbers with few or even no triggering events!

In the end, I'm rather liking the reduction of instances of AI drones mindlessly going down to their doom with dead controls, now having them rather more likely taking to their 'chutes.

STOCK AircraftState.doSetControlsDamage()
Code: [Select]
private void doSetControlsDamage(int i, Actor actor1)
case 0: // '\0'
if(aircraft.FM.isPlayers() && aircraft.FM.CT.bHasAileronControl)
aircraft.FM.CT.bHasAileronControl = false;

case 1: // '\001'
if(aircraft.FM.isPlayers() && aircraft.FM.CT.bHasElevatorControl)
aircraft.FM.CT.bHasElevatorControl = false;
if(Math.abs(aircraft.FM.Vwld.z) > 7D)
aircraft.FM.setCapableOfBMP(false, actor1);

case 2: // '\002'
if(aircraft.FM.isPlayers() && aircraft.FM.CT.bHasRudderControl)
aircraft.FM.CT.bHasRudderControl = false;

throw new RuntimeException("(" + aircraft.typedName() + ") A.S.: Corrupt data in (C.A.D./null)");

My modded method:
Code: [Select]
private void doSetControlsDamage(int i, Actor actor1)
case 0: // '\0'  //AILERON
if(aircraft.FM.isPlayers() && aircraft.FM.CT.bHasAileronControl)
aircraft.FM.CT.bHasAileronControl = false;
System.out.println("Ail_ctrl_hit " + aircraft.typedName());
Aircraft.debugprintln(aircraft, "Aileron control damaged! ");
if(TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 50 + aircraft.FM.subSkill * 3 || (!(aircraft.FM.CT.bHasRudderControl) && TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 80 + aircraft.FM.subSkill * 3))  //ace (3) more likely to bail
aircraft.FM.setCapableOfBMP(false, actor1);  //superfluous?
aircraft.FM.setTakenMortalDamage(true, actor1);
Aircraft.debugprintln(aircraft, "Aileron control cut, bailing out! ");
System.out.println("Ail cut----bail, Rud_ctl?" + aircraft.FM.CT.bHasRudderControl + " " + aircraft.typedName());
case 1: // '\001'  //ELEVATOR
if(aircraft.FM.isPlayers() && aircraft.FM.CT.bHasElevatorControl)
aircraft.FM.CT.bHasElevatorControl = false;
System.out.println("Elev_ctrl_hit " + aircraft.typedName());
if(Math.abs(aircraft.FM.Vwld.z) > 7D)  //7m/s ~14kt; keeping this separate
aircraft.FM.setCapableOfBMP(false, actor1);
System.out.println("Elev_no_BMP " + aircraft.typedName());
Aircraft.debugprintln(aircraft, "Elevator control damaged! ");
if(Math.abs(aircraft.FM.Vwld.z) < -21D || TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 75 + aircraft.FM.subSkill * 3)  //21m/s ~42kt
aircraft.FM.setCapableOfBMP(false, actor1);
aircraft.FM.setTakenMortalDamage(true, actor1);
Aircraft.debugprintln(aircraft, "Elevator control cut, bailing out! ");
System.out.println("Elev_cut----bail, VSI(m/s):" + aircraft.FM.Vwld.z + " " +aircraft.typedName());
case 2: // '\002'  //RUDDER
if(aircraft.FM.isPlayers() && aircraft.FM.CT.bHasRudderControl)
aircraft.FM.CT.bHasRudderControl = false;
System.out.println("Rud_ctrl_hit " + aircraft.typedName());
Aircraft.debugprintln(aircraft, "Rudder control damaged! ");
if((!(aircraft.FM.CT.bHasElevatorControl) && TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 80 + aircraft.FM.subSkill * 3) || (!(aircraft.FM.CT.bHasAileronControl) && TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 80 + aircraft.FM.subSkill * 3) || TrueRandom.nextInt(0, 99) < 10 + aircraft.FM.subSkill * 2)
aircraft.FM.setCapableOfBMP(false, actor1);  //superfluous?
aircraft.FM.setTakenMortalDamage(true, actor1);
Aircraft.debugprintln(aircraft, "Rudder control cut, bailing out! ");
System.out.println("Rud_cut----bail, Ail_ctl?" + aircraft.FM.CT.bHasAileronControl + " " + aircraft.typedName());
throw new RuntimeException("(" + aircraft.typedName() + ") A.S.: Corrupt data in (C.A.D./null)");

9 Zeros v 12 Wildcats, run #1: (bailouts for 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 11)
[2024-02-17 03:05:33.333]   dT: 3405   Ail_ctrl_hit 07*
[2024-02-17 03:05:33.333]   dT:    0   Ail cut----bail, Rud_ctl?true 07*
[2024-02-17 03:06:09.502]   dT:  952   Ail_ctrl_hit 5
[2024-02-17 03:06:23.026]   dT:  450   Ail_ctrl_hit 02*
[2024-02-17 03:06:23.026]   dT:    0   Ail cut----bail, Rud_ctl?true 02*
[2024-02-17 03:06:27.476]   dT:  149   Ail_ctrl_hit 11*
[2024-02-17 03:06:27.476]   dT:    0   Ail cut----bail, Rud_ctl?true 11*
[2024-02-17 03:07:15.513]   dT:  819   Ail_ctrl_hit 04*
[2024-02-17 03:07:23.773]   dT:  275   Ail_ctrl_hit 04*
[2024-02-17 03:07:23.836]   dT:    2   Ail_ctrl_hit 04*
[2024-02-17 03:07:23.900]   dT:    2   Ail_ctrl_hit 04*
[2024-02-17 03:07:23.900]   dT:    0   Ail cut----bail, Rud_ctl?true 04*
[2024-02-17 03:07:52.852]   dT:  966   Rud_ctrl_hit 09*
[2024-02-17 03:08:08.503]   dT:  521   Ail_ctrl_hit 05*
[2024-02-17 03:08:08.503]   dT:    0   Ail cut----bail, Rud_ctl?true 05*
[2024-02-17 03:08:56.804]   dT: 1610   Ail_ctrl_hit 01*
[2024-02-17 03:08:56.804]   dT:    0   Ail cut----bail, Rud_ctl?true 01*
[2024-02-17 03:09:49.732]   dT: 1645   Ail_ctrl_hit 09*
[2024-02-17 03:09:49.732]   dT:    0   Ail cut----bail, Rud_ctl?false 09*

9 Zeros v 12 Wildcats, run #2: (Much more 7.7mm fire than 20mm, hence the numerous multiple events; bailouts for 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 11)
[2024-02-17 03:12:07.321]   dT: 3184   Rud_ctrl_hit 11*
[2024-02-17 03:12:07.321]   dT:    0   Rud_cut----bail, Ail_ctl?true 11*
[2024-02-17 03:12:39.970]   dT: 1088   Ail_ctrl_hit 07*
[2024-02-17 03:12:39.971]   dT:    0   Ail cut----bail, Rud_ctl?true 07*
[2024-02-17 03:13:21.399]   dT: 1381   Ail_ctrl_hit 08*
[2024-02-17 03:13:21.399]   dT:    0   Ail cut----bail, Rud_ctl?true 08*
[2024-02-17 03:13:22.194]   dT:   27   Ail_ctrl_hit 08*
[2024-02-17 03:13:22.194]   dT:    0   Ail cut----bail, Rud_ctl?true 08*
[2024-02-17 03:13:23.273]   dT:   35   Ail_ctrl_hit 08*
[2024-02-17 03:13:23.544]   dT:   10   Ail_ctrl_hit 08*
[2024-02-17 03:13:27.067]   dT:  117   Ail_ctrl_hit 08*
[2024-02-17 03:13:27.067]   dT:    0   Ail cut----bail, Rud_ctl?true 08*
[2024-02-17 03:14:27.066]   dT: 2000   Ail_ctrl_hit 04*
[2024-02-17 03:14:27.066]   dT:    0   Ail cut----bail, Rud_ctl?true 04*
[2024-02-17 03:14:29.481]   dT:   81   Ail_ctrl_hit 04*
[2024-02-17 03:14:29.481]   dT:    0   Ail cut----bail, Rud_ctl?true 04*
[2024-02-17 03:14:41.650]   dT:  185   Ail_ctrl_hit 04*
[2024-02-17 03:15:03.487]   dT:  728   Ail_ctrl_hit 05*
[2024-02-17 03:15:03.487]   dT:    0   Ail cut----bail, Rud_ctl?true 05*
[2024-02-17 03:15:22.456]   dT:  632   Ail_ctrl_hit 03*
[2024-02-17 03:15:22.456]   dT:    0   Ail cut----bail, Rud_ctl?true 03*
[2024-02-17 03:16:15.351]   dT: 1655   Ail_ctrl_hit 02*
[2024-02-17 03:16:15.352]   dT:    0   Ail cut----bail, Rud_ctl?true 02*
[2024-02-17 03:16:18.731]   dT:  113   Ail_ctrl_hit 02*
[2024-02-17 03:16:18.731]   dT:    0   Ail cut----bail, Rud_ctl?true 02*
[2024-02-17 03:16:47.684]   dT:  965   Ail_ctrl_hit 01*
[2024-02-17 03:16:48.143]   dT:   15   Ail_ctrl_hit 01*
[2024-02-17 03:16:48.144]   dT:    0   Ail cut----bail, Rud_ctl?true 01*
[2024-02-17 03:17:45.721]   dT: 1738   Rud_ctrl_hit 03*
[2024-02-17 03:17:45.721]   dT:    0   Rud_cut----bail, Ail_ctl?false 03*
[2024-02-17 03:17:50.340]   dT:  153   Rud_ctrl_hit 03*
[2024-02-17 03:17:50.340]   dT:    0   Rud_cut----bail, Ail_ctl?false 03*
[2024-02-17 03:17:50.800]   dT:   16   Ail_ctrl_hit 03*
[2024-02-17 03:17:50.800]   dT:    0   Ail cut----bail, Rud_ctl?false 03*
[2024-02-17 03:17:51.704]   dT:   30   Rud_ctrl_hit 03*
[2024-02-17 03:17:51.704]   dT:    0   Rud_cut----bail, Ail_ctl?false 03*

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)


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Re: More work on reducing AI staying with damaged planes to destruction
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2024, 09:34:39 PM »

I appreciate you taking care of our doom fated AI companions


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Re: More work on reducing AI staying with damaged planes to destruction
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2024, 06:54:04 AM »

That's a revolution!

Infact I suspect that if you cripple an AI plane to be certain of it's crash BUT AI doesn't bail out , if you finish the mission with it still in air , you'll never got the kill credit....


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Re: More work on reducing AI staying with damaged planes to destruction
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2024, 01:12:36 PM »

Great, Tech!  :)
There is another thing that I associate with this topic and that is the landing priority of damaged AI aircraft. Just a thought for the Future..
"Lenin sagte einmal, der ungebildete Mensch stehe außerhalb der Politik. Heute aber haben wir ein gebildetes Volk. Wie wir in den letzten Jahren handelten, bedeutete, es aus der Politik herauszuhalten. Das ist eine Mißachtung des Volkes. Das ist eine Art Elitedenken." Michail Gorbatschow


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Re: More work on reducing AI staying with damaged planes to destruction
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2024, 03:13:13 PM »

The stuff I'm dealing with here is really simple, triggering a state based on an event.

Getting into the decision tree structure of AI proper is a whole other ball o' wax.  ;)
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)


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Re: More work on reducing AI staying with damaged planes to destruction
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2024, 05:20:12 PM »

Yes, of course! I'm just happy that someone is working on AI behaviors like this!

I just think out loud for a moment:
I've played many DCG campaigns over the years and have often observed damaged aircraft from both sides!
Many of them crashed near their home bases or aircraft carriers because, despite their damage, they were forced to fly circles many times!
And some of the damaged aircraft collided with other aircraft due to the different speeds.

First, check how many engines the plane has and how many of them are damaged!
The other thing would be whether the plane currently has fuel leaks and how much fuel is still available for the plane when the AI asks for a landing!
Not the number of fuel leaks or injured crew members on board!
I think that would help a lot.
"Lenin sagte einmal, der ungebildete Mensch stehe außerhalb der Politik. Heute aber haben wir ein gebildetes Volk. Wie wir in den letzten Jahren handelten, bedeutete, es aus der Politik herauszuhalten. Das ist eine Mißachtung des Volkes. Das ist eine Art Elitedenken." Michail Gorbatschow


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Re: More work on reducing AI staying with damaged planes to destruction
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2024, 04:38:57 AM »

Fantastic!  ]hello2[ ]hello2[ ]hello2[
When will we be able to see this innovation in B.A.T.?


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Re: More work on reducing AI staying with damaged planes to destruction
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2024, 07:02:10 AM »

Does it support non-BAT modules?


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Re: More work on reducing AI staying with damaged planes to destruction
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2024, 09:54:39 AM »

This can be adapted to any game version.
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)


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Re: More work on reducing AI staying with damaged planes to destruction
« Reply #9 on: February 19, 2024, 06:44:11 PM »

Even ModCat?
Go in quickly - Punch hard - Get out!


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Re: More work on reducing AI staying with damaged planes to destruction
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2024, 06:54:00 PM »

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)


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Re: More work on reducing AI staying with damaged planes to destruction
« Reply #11 on: February 19, 2024, 07:04:23 PM »

Even ModCat?

Out of topic I was curious to have a look at ModCat mentioned in a video of Mr.Fresh do you know where i can find it;
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