Get it here:
https://www.mediafire.com/file/89tjjmnd8700zmy/%25210_A-20C_cockpit_tweaks.7z/fileNOTE: This applies to other planes using the same cockpit, such as the Boston Mk.III (and Mk.III Strafer).
From the included readme file:
A few A-20C cockpit tweaks, by WxTech
This is just a quick tackling of a few of the main issues.
- Added a new front post for the iron sight.
- Increased the range of virtual head motion via addition of 6dof limits code to the cockpit class.
- Filled in the missing polygons on the underside of the panel hood.
- Separated the gyro and magnetic compass behaviour; the latter has sluggish response and bank/pitch limits to free rotation.
- Tidied up the compass card texture.
- Touched up the instrument panel texture.
There is a LOT more that could be done! But I'm spread a bit on the thin side with other projects clamoring for attention.

Note that the entire contents of the cockpit folder are included. I even moved over textures which formerly resided in the A-20G cockpit folder, editing their .mat files accordingly, thus making all resources completely independent of any other folder.
CockpitA_20C.class (valid for 4.12 and B.A.T.)
Feb 24, 2024