This mod is a development of the mod from Novichok8
http://forum.aviaskins.com/showthread.php?t=4056For which many thanks to him for his work, his idea has been expanded to objects of the PLATE type
This mod makes it possible to use composite objects for HOUSE and PLATE
collected using a file like Hier.him
The ORIGINAL MOD FROM Novichok8 is already included in the mod.
It is also possible to continue to use all objects loaded using
old sim format for HOUSE and PLATE. That is, everything old remains functional.
The mod was created in game version 4.12.2, but since the base files used are common to all versions, the mod should (in theory)
remain operational in any version of the game.
When compiling the Hier.him file for an object, it is necessary to take into account that at the moment
The object should not be assembled and be larger than approximately 700x700 meters!!!
OTHERWISE THE OBJECT WILL DISAPPEAR PERIODICALLYWhen compiling a Hier.him file for an object, you must indicate the size of the object in lines
at the very top of Hier.him
For example:
VisibilitySphere 100.0
CollisionObject sphere 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
In this case, the size of the object is 100x100 meters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Write the object in the static.ini file like this:
// For Plate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
//================================================================ ===========================
Title GroundPlate
//================================================================ ===========================
Title RunwayHim
Mesh 3do/airfield/ground/Runway/mono.him
// For House !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
//================================================================ ===========================
Title House
//================================================================ ===========================
Title CrimeaVillage_BarnStucco
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/Crimea/BarnStucco/live.him
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/Crimea/BarnStucco/dead.him
Body RockMiddle
Panzer 0.12
The mod already includes the standard static.ini file from game version 4.12.2 for
ability to view in the full editor the new composite object "GroundRunwayHim"
look for it in the full editor next to unpaved takeoffs and parking lots
If necessary, simply delete the static.ini file along the path
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