Thank you for your response. Let me clarify. I cannot drop anchor on solely this topic matter, that's is one thing for sure.
The idea is not to add regiments on my part, but more like adding information when such information is missing and in need.
Recap: ..when I first started in 412, I was so concern with the long page of Russian regiments delaying access to everything else,
that my first move was to // remove 90% of the regiments having three digits.
You hear correctly, I did not add regiments, I // remove about 70% of all RU's to make easy access to all the rest.
On this matter, what happens ever since ( been 10+ years), when a Russian regiment is needed by a mission, but especially
if it is called for by a skin, I reactivated the Russian regiment in question. An on going process I do not wish to accelerate.
At on time there was only the French NN regiment. I created a 3 out four parts project to add regiments to France as a country.
I never did the fourth part, which was to be the regiments from 1943 to 1945, proved too diverse and complex to sort out.
The original mods stated: where the duo regiments saw their most important activity; what type of aircraft mostly they used and when.
All info in time removed by regiment integrators, in exchange for the weathering of insignas.
Turns out that all the aircraft types I prophetically pointed out to (when only the 406 was available), are now available in the game today.
So people are now missing all the good stuff about which aircraft was doing what, where and when.
I created countries a lot (no marks). So obviously a few regiments were needed for each new inceptions.
So I do not spent all my time creating regiments , nor do I truly collect them. I'm still importing some from DBW, at times..
Here is the important word: NEED. I have added a lot of Bombers, CC, and recon regiments to my GB, because there was none available.
I wondered of their absence, so introduced them. But I have not been exhaustive about it. Once again an ongoing process.
History of the RAF was not the actual goal, but to provide myself some missing info to be accessible was.
Thank you again, I understand your need for help, but I'm ... with a mind interest to all and every sort of things.
Cannot afford to fixate on any particular topic. Time and health available becoming shorter and rarer. Each year is a blessing.
Thanks for the links.