Not quite complete yet, here's the list of modded classes and the changes performed within. This is for B.A.T. 4.0. Noy all are critical, some being 'optional'. This will give some flavour of the many hundreds of hours of work done over the past few years, with the process of testing and refining.
I plan to issue the v2.0 effects pack for B.A.T. 4.0 (up to 4.1.1) only, at first anyway. The work involved in updating all these classes for other game versions, with no way to test, is considerable and fraught with worry and stress. If some halfway skilled Java coder wanted to take on the task of updating classes for the version he flies/can test, that would be a good load taken off my shoulders. I will be supplying all java files, which contain my comments that make identifying the changed portions easy enough to identify...
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
REQUIRES MODDED CLASSES: Aircraft, Bullet, House, BallisticProjectile
* Added the random selection of two additional sets of effects for the ballistic projectiles generated in method HydrogenBalloonExplosion().
* Incorporates Storbror's flak flash illumination, tweaked by WxTech.
* Added some stuff from JCat merge effects (carFuel and WagonFuel effects).
* Expanded explosion effects for objects, to include more ordnance size groups.
* A few additions from SAS Engine Mod, for FatMan bomb.
* Added NEW effects for the small House objects of type Fuel, Wood and Rock.
* Added ExplodeAmmo method for train wagons.
* Created NEW effects to simulate shrapnel splashes from bomb bursts against objects on water.
* Created NEW ExplodeAmmoSmall method, applied as a small chance of occurring for tanks, cars, artillery and stationary planes.
* Added NEW Body type "Flesh" to method HouseExplode, so as to be able to assign an effect. House.class also altered accordingly!
* Added an alternative light bluish smoke (ArtyDyingSmoke.eff, replacing TankDyingSmoke.eff) for destroyed AA, tanks, "Stationary" and stationary planes, randomly assigned.
* Created a NEW WaterLine effect set for Bomb250 and Bomb1000, to simulate torpedo and near waterline bomb bursts, to differentiate from open water bursts.
* Activated the "RockBig" effect group, so that now it and "RockHuge" are not using the same effect set.
* Added NEW effect for cannon hit flashes on objects of type "metal" (method Cannon_Object_Metal); randomly occurring.
* Added NEW small water splashes around plane impact on water.
* Included RS82 hits against objects on water for shrapnel splash.
* Added NEW House Body type and effects, for "Vehicle"; House.class also altered accordingly; changed a number of entries in Static.ini.
* Added NEW effect, WaterLight.sim in method SurfaceLight, for explosion illumination in water after sunset.
* Added two NEW [Mods] section entries for conf.ini, to control if light flak (default: off) and heavy flak (default: on) illumination is to be invoked.
* In method HouseExplode, added random selection of a different effect group based on the Body type; adds much more variety.
* The smaller House Body types have some fraction not generate any fire/smoke when destroyed.
* House Body type of Fuel creates an illumination source with fire in twilight/at night, scaled as darkness varies.
* Institute a 1 in 5 chance of the largest House Body types (other than Fuel) generating a light source with the fire.
* Scale ground fires to smoothly get larger with increasing darkness, so as to boost visibility at night.
* Added NEW effect, "3DO/Effects/Fireworks/Napalm_Smoke.eff" in method generate(), to add a main body of smoke with the main fire.
* Added NEW persistent fire and smoke effects for napalm bursts in method generate(), 50% probability.
* Altered the structure of napalm effects; took main fire (and new main smoke) outside of the for loop, and reduced the loop from 36 to 6; much reduced particle count as a result.
* Added an additional, dark smoke column, of 60-90s duration, when planes crash and the heavier fireball is invoked. (This smoke is always used for water crashes.)
* Added a 33% chance of a lighter long-lasting smoke column for planes crashed on land.
* Made a new fireball and smoke effect pair subject to wind when the fuel tank explodes within 50m of the surface, in method ExplodeFuel.
* Added new method, Ship_Explode, to add a random occurrence of ExplodeAmmoSmall to ship explosions (best seen when strafing smaller vessels); ShipGeneric and bigShipGeneric call this.
* In method generateExplosion added a chance of invocation of a larger debris particle for hits (largest 12mm and up) against A/C.
* Added a light source for napalm explosions, when Sun < +3 degrees, scaled through twilight.
* For 12mm hits on water and land, added NEW effects, Exp_Fontain.eff (short duration 'spicule'.)
* For bomb explosions against objects, increased the height threshold for land relative to water for invocation of fontain effects (in addition to object effects.)
* For water ring effects (bullet hits, torpedo enter, etc), placed the disturbed patch closer to the surface.
* Added SurfaceLight for Cannon hits on land.
* Improved the lightpoint intensity for cannon hits against objects.
* Added shrapnel splashes to Ship_Explode.
* Added slow ballistic projectiles to ExplodeFuel (total aircraft destruction.)
* Added slow ballistic projectiles to Ship_Explode.
* Re-purposed the use of the initSetBoundBox function in HouseExplode(), for the random invocation of larger smoke/fire effects for buildings of volume > 4,000 cubic meters and of Body type Rock/Wood.
* Added a NEW effect for fuel objects (and train oil cars); an animated billowing smoke cloud for the lowest part of the smoke column.
* Expanded the capabiliies to differentiate between napalm, incendiary and phosphorous ordnance; added new methods and effects.
* Added effects for large gun shell hits against objects to overcome the former limited and small single effect.
* Succeeded in adding delayed secondary explosions for House objects; limiting to the big ones only, and randomly; no damage power, as this is dangerous for continued, unintended propagation.
* Invoke smaller land/water/object effects for small bombs and rockets.
* in method runByName, added "Searchlight", so as to generate destruction effects.
* In conjunction with Bullet.class, re-worked the implementation of the 'bullet' effect folder usesage; no more duplication between generateShot() and generateExplosion(), and more variety plus full particle useage.
* In generateShot() added NEW consideration of case 4 for Body type Rock; this expands the full array of hit effects formerly missing.
* In generate() added the NEW categories CannonBigExp_ and Explode10Kg_, for tinier bombs and rockets.
* Added a check for PACIFIC map, to use new jungle shock effects with explosions for RS82, Bomb250 and Bomb 1000.
* Added fireball and ballistic fire/smoke particles to A/C crashes into water.
* Altered power and radius values for incendiaries in the weapon classes so that the initial explosion is very weak; after a timed delay of 50-90 sec the main destruction is executed.
* Added NEW shrapnel splash/dust effects on water/ground for hits against objects by larger cannons, rockets and bombs.
* Added NEW methods for INDIVIDUAL shrapnel hits for land and water by ballistic particles, called by MODDED BallisticProjectile.class.
* Made method ExplodeFuel() consider the number of engines, to select size of fireball/smoke cloud.
* Made craters for exploded planes scale in size by number of engines.
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
REQUIRES MODDED CLASSES: Controls, Engines, Motor
- Altered landing light illumination intensity and color on plane.
- Altered nav light illumination intensity and color on plane.
- Replaced engine explode effects (were same as for tank explode ) with new effects.
- Add new condition for low speed smokes (when < 15m/s); occur only when alt < 50m AGL.
- Created NEW 3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineBlackHeavySPD.eff (was BlackHeavySPD.eff used again), to go with EngineBlackHeavyTSPD.eff.
- Created NEW 3DO/Effects/Aircraft/BlackHeavyThinSPD.eff, to be generated when the shorter wing fire is active.
- Did have GND effects given a vertical emission vector; went back to usual hook orientations, and constructed the effects accordingly.
- For EngineState strings, randomly chooses between "FireSPDShort.eff" and NEW "EngineFireSPD.eff".
- Created new lighter versions of the two fuel leak effects (RedLeakSmallTSPD.eff and RedLeakSmallGND.eff) for the first instances of their occurrence.
- In method repairEngine, added a NEW bool check, and use in method doSetEngineState to select fire effect.
- In method doSetTankState, made MANY changes!
//- Added new fire effects when Sun below -9 deg. In .eff files, made LiveTime 1.25X longer and EmitFreq 1.4X more rapid.
- Effect "3DO/Effects/Fireworks/Tank_SparksP_s.eff", invoked for fuel leak fireballs and fuel tank explosion, made into an animated texel.
- Added an additional intermittent engine fire effect (EnginePulsingFireSPD.eff).
- Renamed a number of damage effects to make the names more suggestive.
- Added a NEW oil damage smoke for invocation on the ground.
- Reworked Tank damage smokes in a number of respects.
- Altered or added to oil, tank and engine damage code checks to force earlier RTB or bail-out.
- Implement new night versions of wingtip vortices and high alt contrails (trail type effects otherwise look really bright at night).
- 'Dry' and 'Moist' variants of wingtip vortices.
- Added an additional oil damage state, which involves significant changes to a few methods (and involves Engines.class and Motor.class re. astateOilStates[]).
- In update() added a probability modifier for fuel tank repair based on the number of tanks; more tanks = better chance of fuel leak stoppage.
- In update() added an additional rate of engine readyness change for the new oil damage state; the 1st damage state has 1/2 the former rate.
- In update() added consideration of the sum of all tank damage states in calculating the rate of leaking fuel.
- In doSetControlsDamage() added probability of bailout when aileron, elevator or rudder control is cut.
- In doSetControlsDamage() added random setting of fixed control surface deflection, which increases chance of bailout; REQUIRES MODDED Controls.class.
The array of effects for Oil, Tank and Engine:
private static final String astateOilStrings[] = {
null, null,
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/OilSmokeSmallSPD.eff", "3DO/Effects/Aircraft/OilSmokeSmallTSPD.eff",
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/OilSmokeSPD.eff", "3DO/Effects/Aircraft/OilSmokeTSPD.eff",
null, null,
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/OilSmokeSmallGND.eff", "3DO/Effects/Aircraft/OilDripSmallGND.eff",
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/OilSmokeGND.eff", "3DO/Effects/Aircraft/OilDripGND.eff"
private static final String astateTankStrings[] = {
null, null, null,
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/RedLeakSmallTSPD.eff", null, null,
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/RedLeakTSPD.eff", null, null,
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/TankSmokeMediumSPD.eff", "3DO/Effects/Aircraft/TankSmokeMediumTSPD.eff", null,
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/TankSmokeHeavySPD.eff", "3DO/Effects/Aircraft/TankSmokeHeavyTSPD.eff", null,
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/FireSPD.eff", "3DO/Effects/Aircraft/TankSmokeHeavySPD.eff", "3DO/Effects/Aircraft/TankSmokeHeavyTSPD.eff",
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/FireSPDLong.eff", "3DO/Effects/Aircraft/TankSmokeHeavySPD.eff", "3DO/Effects/Aircraft/TankSmokeHeavyTSPD.eff",
null, null, null,
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/RedLeakSmallGND.eff", null, null,
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/RedLeakGND.eff", null, null,
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/SmokeMediumGND.eff", null, null,
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/SmokeHeavyGND.eff", null, null,
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/FireGND.eff", "3DO/Effects/Aircraft/SmokeMediumGND.eff", null,
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/FireHeavyGND.eff", "3DO/Effects/Aircraft/SmokeHeavyGND.eff", null
private static final String astateEngineStrings[] = {
null, null, null,
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineSmokeLightSPD.eff", "3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineSmokeLightTSPD.eff", null,
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineSmokeMediumSPD.eff", "3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineSmokeMediumTSPD.eff", null,
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineSmokeHeavySPD.eff", "3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineSmokeHeavyTSPD.eff", null,
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineFireSPD.eff", "3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineSmokeHeavySPD.eff", "3DO/Effects/Aircraft/EngineSmokeHeavyTSPD.eff",
null, null, null,
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/SmokeLightGND.eff", null, null,
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/SmokeMediumGND.eff", null, null,
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/SmokeHeavyGND.eff", null, null,
"3DO/Effects/Aircraft/FireGND.eff", "3DO/Effects/Aircraft/SmokeMediumGND.eff", null
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
- Added full throttle effect (in method doSetSootState); involves Motor.class!
- Altered landing light color, and increased its range from 1000m to 3000m.
- In doExplosion(), added check for # engines, via viariable iEng. Passed to Explosions.class for plane crash on water/ground... therefore MUST USE MODDED Explosions.class!
- For all powered planes, invoke a chance of ExplodeAmmo or ExplodeAmmoSmall upon crashing into ground.
- In explode(), made extensive changes to wreckage velocitiy, and add NEW fire/smoke effects.
- In cut(), cut_Subtrees() and explode(), conduct a height check; if on/near ground, chunks/wreckage are given zero vertical velocity (Wreckage.setSpeed() adds a positive value).
- In cut() and cut_Subtrees(), added random invocation of second effect, so that a brief fire AND/OR smoke effect are possible.
- In cut() and cut_Subtrees(), add a random, initial speed variation.
- In method bailProbabilityOnCut() added some additional criteria.
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
- Added Full Throttle Smoke Mod and neg G carb flooding smoke.
update(float f)
- Incorporated the AI engine overheat mod code from 4.09.
- Altered computation of tOilOut to account for the new oil damage state added in AircraftState.class
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
- In method update() altered handling of TOilOut to account for the new oil damage state added in AircraftState.class
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
In conjunction with Gear.class
- Expand on the parsing of SoftClass names for PCP plates to allow the same sparks/flame effects while belly landing on concrete and stock PCP plates.
- Created NEW plate property, "bCoral" for "Pac_Sand" and new "Coral" and "Pacific_Sand" plates.
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
ground(FlightModel flightmodel, boolean flag, boolean flag1)
- Added new code (mostly by Storebror) to invoke damage and speed loss when skimming through the upper layered forest; no more insta-death upon contact.
- Added a NEW effect to create debris when skimming through the upper forest canopy; (another version is for winter/desert maps).
- Added two NEW effects when crashing into forest, flying bare branches and leafy branches; (another version is for winter/desert maps).
- Halved the height (16.2m to 8.1m) from which an engine can raise ground dust/snow or water spray.
- (Retained WhiteEngineWaveTSPD.eff (wave accompanying prop blast on water) as necessary for code, but made invisible in the .eff file.)
- Separated the formerly shared water/winter prop blast effect into two discrete effects.
- Added the condition for a NEW desert map prop blast effect.
- Added a NEW dust effect for aircraft wheels rolling on Desert maps.
- Altered the distance from the plane of the effect origin for prop blast effect.
- Between motor altitude of 3m to 8.1m threshold, continuously lower the effect origin as many meters below the surface.
- Reduced the speed threshold of 16.667m/s to 12m/s for invocation of gear effects (wheel dust, float plane spray).
- Scale gear effect on land particle size to 0.67 between speed of 12 to 17m/s.
- For gear effect on water (spray) for speed of 12 to 17m/s, use a smaller effect.
- Added a check for precipitation for suppression of dust effects, and to add a wet prop spray effect during rain on 'summer' maps.
- For instances when on concrete plates, use a prop blast effect appropriate to CAMOUFLAGE.
- Invoke a new prop/wheel dust effect for the new coral plate.
- Changed effect name for collision smoke to SmokeHeavyGND.eff, due to changing same for other aircraft effect.
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
- Made "Flesh" Body type behave like others, and not be so easily destroyed and also to be able to have effects associated.
- Added NEW Body type of "Vehicle" (and created new effects).
- Added NEW property, SECONDARY_EXPL, to assign ability for selected objects to have secondary explosions; "1"=blast, "2"=fireball, "3"=hybrid.
- IMPORTANT! in Bullet.class, bulletproperties.cumulativePower appears to not exist for any bullet. Is this related to shot.powerType CUMULATIVE ???
- For "Flesh" Body type having a PANZER value of 0.001, made them to be easly destroyed by all calibers of bullet. This applies particularly to humans and animals.
- Created NEW property, NO_FIRE_SMOKE, to disable invocation of long-lasting fire/smoke; Add line entry, NoFireSmoke in static.ini.
- Now include RockMiddle as being destructible by incendiary (powerType=2) ordnance (Rock and RockHuge still not)
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
- Increased duration of fire and smoke for destroyed guns.
- In method visualsInjurePart, re-oriented smoke effects to perpendicular to horizon.
- Made the tanker fire/smoke not dependent on ship sink level (which often would have the fire extinguish rather quickly), but now apply a random timed duration of 4 to 7 minutes.
- Added illumination to tanker fires at night (Sun < 0 degrees).
- Added probability of oil fire/smoke/illumination for Tankers to occur also with Enormous, Huge and Large.
- Now a probability occurrence of light and dark versions of ship damage smoke (not for Tanker smoke, for which only one version is used).
- Made notable changes related to Wake and SideWave effects.
- Made fires scale with darkness; 1.4X larger in full darkness.
- Made fire illumination source present for all damaged ship fires (not for destroyed guns), scaled by ship size.
- In method showExplode() added a randomized call to NEW methods in Explosions.class, to select an explosion effect set and the firing of a distress flare.
- In method Die() added the creation of an oil spill upon death of ships; more likely for tankers and larger vessels. Probability scales roughly by ship size, as does size and duration.
- Added NEW SmokePipeShipWinter.eff, for use on Winter maps.
- Added support for coal and diesel stack smoke from B.A.T. 4.1.2.
- Added a chance of smaller long-lasting fire/smoke when destroyed
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
- Made notable changes related to Wake and SideWave effects.
- In method showExplode() added a randomized call to NEW methods in Explosions.class, to select an explosion effect set and the firing of a distress flare.
- Added NEW SmokePipeShipWinter.eff, for use on Winter maps.
- Created a randomly invoked 'oil spill' effect. Probability scales roughly by ship size, as does size and duration.
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
Ballistics.class [CRUCIAL when using MODDED Rocket.class]
- Created NEW method, updateUnguidedRocket(Actor actor, float f, float f1, float f2, boolean flag, float Disp). Points to Wind.getVectorRocket().
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
Add NEW conf.ini parameters to [Mods] section:
- "RocketMountTilt", range 0 to 3 deg., sets aim offset for each set of rails/tubes; defaults to 0.5 if no conf.ini entry present.
- "RocketAimDisp", 0 to 4 m/s, individual, initial random rocket aim offset impulse, defaults to 1.0 if no conf.ini entry present.
- Points to NEW method Ballistics.updateUnguidedRocket().
- Enable effects for two rocket smokes that were oddly removed for B.A.T.
- Enable effects for two rocket smokes that were oddly removed for B.A.T.
init(float f, float f1, float f2, float f3, float f4, float f5)
- Numerous changes to control the amount of initial launch direction dispersion (random aim error for each individual rocket).
start(float f, int i)
- Now make controllable the maximum amount of aim offset for rails/tubes (formerly randomly set at each mission start when rocket realism toggled).
- Add code for the reinstated rocket smokes.
doExplosion(Actor actor, String s)
- Raise threshold from 0 to 2.999 for weapon "radius" value, so that WP impacts are NOT using 1/2mv^2 for hit energy. This is to constrain to the desired WP effects.
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
Add NEW conf.ini parameter to [Mods] section:
* "TurbulencePlayer", 0 or 1.
* "TurbulenceAI", 0 or 1.
* "WakeTurbulencePlayer", 0 or 1.
* "WakeTurbulenceAI", 0 or 1.
* "WakeTurbulenceScaler", 0 to 2, applies to intensity of wake turbulence whan active. Defaults to 0.67 if absent.
* "RocketTurbulence", 0 or 1. Enables RocketOscillation.
* "RocketOscillation", 0 to 32m/s, envelope of 'turbulent' impulses, defaults to 2 if no conf.ini entry present.
- The stock oddity of skipping over lower values for both turbulence (0,3,4,5,6) and gusts (0,8,10,12), has been addressed, so as to set a uniform linearity; this avoids the old harsh behavior, allowing subtler effects.
- Ignore the former treatment of gusts, instead using a >0 gust value to increase turbulence somewhat. And if turbulence = 0 and Gust > 0, use gust as a stand-in for turbulence, values rescaled appropriately.
- Depth of 10m zone at ground level increased to 30m, and wind speed falls to 1/2 at surface of that at 30m.
- To defeat the too-strong weathercocking effect, when Gears.onGround windspeed is set at zero.
- getVectorRocket(Point3d point3d, Vector3d vector3d) //NEW METHOD for non spin-stabilized rockets, to suggest turbulent flight path deviations.
- Made tweaks to methods getVector() and getVectorAI(): Increased depth of mechanical turbulence zone, and slightly increased the peak intensity.
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
- Added consideration of rain for NEW sand and dirt belly effects.
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
- In doExplosion(), keep napalm, WP and incendiary power/radius unchanged when hitting land, water, ships or 'house' objects; this is to keep tight control on the effects to use.
- In doExplosion(), add a check for napalm (powerType i=2 and radius f1 >=50), and reduce radius to 1/10.
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
- Changed water hit effect for ricochets, to same as for small bullet hits in Explosions.class.
- Altered velocity factor as applied to ricochets, to avoid some really slow ones that make the long tracer look very silly, and gave different factors for land and water hits.
- Lowered the height of the water ring effect for ricochets, to be in line with those in Explosions.class.
- Determine if generateShot() will create effects when generateExplosion() already has done so. This via new variables iExpl and iShot, which are passed to Explosions.class.
- Add formerly missing land/water hit effects for richochets.
- Added a check for forest cover; if present, ricochet probability is reduced.
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
- Conf.ini controls, "TracersLengthScale" and "TracersDistance".
- Added simple line tracer length setting from 0.1X to 2.0X the 3D mesh tracer draw length, with conf.ini entry in [Mods] section; default is 1.0.
- Added the ability for the player to set his own simple tracer draw distance limit, between 1,000-20,000m in conf.ini [Mods] section; default is 12,000m.
- Tracer smoke mod.
- Added a NEW effect for the NEW bullet property, TraceTrail2 in a gun's class; allows to have two simultaneous tracer smokes, such as a combo of trail- and particle-based effects.
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
GunGeneric.class (not critical)
Add NEW conf.ini parameter to [Mods] section:
* "MuzzleFlashIllumination", 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4. Defaults to 1 (always on, as for stock) when absent.
- If no tracer mesh in class, line length scales as bullet speed / 100.
- Added a conf.ini control in the [Mods] section, "MuzzleFlashIllumination", to turn on or off the illumination accompanying gunfire. 0=none; 1=always on; 2=on night only; 3=off for player only, inside view; 4=off for player only, inside view, at night.
- Added a NEW surface shock effect for cannons using the 350mm muzzle fire/smoke (especially for big BB guns).
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
Add NEW conf.ini parameter to [Mods] section:
* "PALNoTracers", 0 or 1.
* "PALNoSmoketrails", 0 or 1.
* "PALSmoketrailsNight", 0 to -18; altitude of Sun in degrees for switching to subtler night textures; default -6 when absent.
* "TracerSmokePlayer3D", 0, 1, or 2; 0=2D only (and AI always), 1=3D only; 2=2D/3D mix. Default when missing is 0.
- Incorporate PAL's tracer smoke mod, with tweaks; allows to enable/disable tracers and tracer smoke.
- Reduced 2D smoke opacity at night (by a factor of 10), by selecting a night version of the effect when Sun elevation threshold is met.
- Incorporate the ability for player to use 2D tracer smoke only, 3D tracer smoke only, or a combo of 2D/3D tracer smokes; USES ALL NEW FOLDERS!!!
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
- Added check for desert map, to invoke new CarDust effects.
- Added check for precipitation to suppress dust effect.
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
- Added check for winter/desert map, to invoke new TankDust effects.
- Added check for precipitation to suppress dust effect.
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
- Reduced live time for wreckage from 80 seconds to 10 upon stopping; this is to obviate the huge smoke blobs from chunks emitting heavy damage smoke.
- Added NEW invocation of wreckage hit effects on land.
- Reduce the dispersion in the horizontal so as to hugely reduce the ongoing, curving divergence outward.
- In setSpeed() changed from a constant +5m/s vertical speed to a random and smaller range.
- Increased the retardation (variable A) to represent higher drag, and reduced the slope of the function so as to have a smaller range of A.
- For the lightest pieces, <20, randomly increase the mass so as to avoid clumping of MANY.
- Instantiate here the NEW variable names for the NEW fire and smoke effects to invoke for wreckage when planes crash.
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
- Add hit effect against land.
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
- Add hit effect against land.
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
EffClouds.class (not critical)
- Increased height range for rain sound audibility.
- Added consideration for low latitude map camouflage to have rain sound all year.
################################################################################################################# Mar 28
Controls.class [CRITICAL, with AircraftState()]
- Add NEW method, anchorControl(); imparts a random control surface deflection upon damage; called by AircraftState.doSetControlsDamage()