I was responsible for the Swordfish weapons Upgrade.
The Flares are stock, unchanged.
Look up here why
In Weapons.ru all these can be named simply Flare, when they are not the same.
This brutal flare is called
BombGunParaFlareUK/BombGunParaFlare used in the Original Swordfish assembly.
To my knowledge no changes where due to this stock inventory.
Andy and me had a discussion over Flares, we found out doing alternative Loadouts and drilling out Cream of the Top
look and search what may suit everybody's liking is a pain in the ass literally. Some simply showcase the Game Engine capabillities,
it's not Cyberpunk or Halo, and we can't overpolute the Loadouts for god's sake. Who should sit here excavate every Flare and type the necessary Weapons.ru for it.
Flare brutal, Flare Medium, Flare soft (really?)
Question, the Swordfishes and Albacores representing these Loadouts were long in the WIP section to be tested, excavated.
Long enough for everybody with conceirns to BlaBla.
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,66807.0.htmlI'm no Effect Master, maybe ask someone skilled to tackle this crap Stock piece of candle.
Best wishes