Hello Guys ,
A bit of overenthusiastic rambling here-I had a thought or two after reading a couple of book on the Vietnam war about helicopter operations.
They are:
Flew in UH-1 Gunships as a door Gunner
Flew UH-1 Gunships and AH-1 Cobras on 2/3 tours
Flew Loaches
Anyways, I was playing with CY6's Vietnam Infantry and found that you could tweak it in the technics.ini to fire at helicopter. In my opinion, this helps a lot for immersion.
That got me thinking about a couple of other mod possibilities, but i would need others' experience.
-DISCLAIMER-I am not a Java guy, unfortunately, and the entry to learning it is a but intimidating for now.
I do know my way around 3d, though, so assuming I can get 3ds Max 5 running, I should be able to sort out any 3d modding if need be.
This is just throwing the idea out there-only take it up if it interests you, if no-one feels it is worth the trouble, that is perfectly fine.
Then too, I understand Beowulff was behind these originally and there seems to be some hard feelings around these birds. Don't know what that is, but if no-one wants to touch them for that reason, I understand.
1-Grenades/Smoke Markers. Crews would always carry grenades and/or smoke markers. On the UH-1's and AH-1s, SOP was to drop smoke to mark the spot when taking fire, then the rest of the flight could use that as reference for their attacks. Perhaps we could use some of CY6's work with the FAC loadouts/functionality? Or does the AI buddies not really have that capability? I haven't used them a lot.
Loach crews would have the gunner have a box of grenades with him-smoke (target marking, signalling to troops), white phosphurous(setting hooches on fire), and thermite(same, but in wet conditions). Frags were not typically carried in case they were hit by fire. Could add them anyway, as i imagine some guys would still have taken them. Would add a bit of variety besides guns.
2-Gunners. The Loach current lacks the observer with an CAR-15. I noticed another chopper did have one (a chickasaw variant, i think?) Could we possibly add the AI gunner?
I am going to continue playing with the infantry I have , and tweaking some parameters based on the books. I can share that here if anyone is interested.
I haven't done a lot of mission building, but will do a few for my own use and could throw them up here if anyone is interested. Thanks,