I replaced the download link, due to a virus warning!?-> Piotrek: What can I say.
I just tried the map on my BAT 4.3 and it loaded instantly.
I do not have any further textures installed.
It CAN only be a matter of textures.
I could not save a mission on this map, which is strange, because this should be a result of missing objects - but there are no objects in this WIPmap!?
I also was able to launch the map in UP3.4, AFTER I replaced the most of the load.ini by parts of the load.ini from my little Ruegen map. (
Interesting fact is, that HERE I CAN save missions.
So Piotrek, the only thing I can offer to help you is, IF you really interested in this WIPmap:
Try to run the Ruegen map. (it should, at it is the "same" load.ini as BalticSea, which is IN the game now)
If it works, start to replace the sections in the Gaul load.ini by the same parts from Ruegen, until you find the problem.
(make sure, that it is only THE ONE line in the file).
This might be a dummy method to experienced users, but I AM a dummy with those things, sorry.