Preview: The UberQuick IL-2 Template Builder/Designer (For UQMG Max, QMB and QMBPro) Experiment
I am excited to tell you that after much hardheaded persistence I am getting good results out of the UQMG Template Builder module within the UQMG 1946 Max suite. It is the first of what I hope to be many mission building designer tools that will be incorporated into UQMG. As I stated before I want UQMG to be not only a powerful quick mission generator, but also a companion for FMB mission and campaign designers.
Here is the concept: The user chooses a map, and follow steps to provide a skeleton set of flight waypoints, then fill some information in an Excel Worksheet, import data into UQMG Template Builder, customize waypoints patterns, then generate a simple mission template that is ready to be customized in FMB, but without all the additional time that it takes to build waypoint patterns, etc, and it throws a few generic ground/sea targets that can be changed or added to.
In the near future the full QMB and QMBPro templates will be available as well, but the hardest one, the more complex 24 Flight Group UQMG Max is getting close to completion, to the point I can generate simple missions in UQMG Max.
This was only possible with help from Microsoft’s Copilot AI, which was my choice due to integration with GitHub and Visual Studio Suite. My collaboration with AI was on creating the waypoint geometric patterns (Ellipse/Line, Crescent, Semi Circle and Diamond). The Ellipse can be customized to resemble anything from a line to a Circle. And the user can specify direction, and size.
Enough with the talk. Here is the idea.
Take the Battle of France 1940 map… Follow the steps and you have a bare template in FMB following some required steps that I’ll describe in a document. This is what the result is… which is somewhat barebone…
Each flight has to be placed in a particular order and you setup 5 waypoints, which will be used by the template builder to make them more… uh… better. The Excel spreadsheet looks like this:
Now we close the Excel after saving and we start UQMG 1946 Max, then we start the UQMG Template Builder, then we Import the Excel data.
Now you can customize what you want in each flight group without having to think too much. The patterns below are available for each of your flights.
Just so that you know, you can save your work, so I am loading a previous project meant to try to showcase the different patterns.
Now you generate the template, and you pick the original mission you created in FMB earlier.
The result is an environment with a bit more content.
It is still a sort of 70-90% solution but gives you an idea where this is going.
Here is an interesting detail though… look that the taxi patterns are placed correctly, and at the right angle, so when I implement the ability to add dioramas, I think it will be cool and fun, I hope.
Anyhoo… that is where I am with it.
When I release the Alpha, I’ll have more features and I’ll have some instructions, tutorials. So hopefully in the future we will have more map content available for missions.