I updated one of my BAT 4.2.2 Installs to BAT 4.2.3 awhile ago, and as I´ve been using BAT for more than 5-6 years now, I did it like I used to do (and followed the Instructions too), and once I had reloaded all Mods that I use in #WAW3 with JSGME (which are quite a lot) I Started it up.. and it went tit´s up.. -Wtf?!?
I checked the Log, but since I don´t really understand the Log all that well. I firstly thought it was the added huge Single Missions addon that I Installed by using JSGME, but it wasn´t, and I was devastated and had one of those -FUXX!!!! moment. Which was prolly what I needed to clear my mind.
Anyways, I started to check the huge Mission addon which I felt could be the culprit, but as I know that the guys who had made it is very skilled, I kinda realized that the only one to blame for this was prolly me.
So I started to compere the folder structure with my other Installs of the game and saw that I had a new Folder in the new 4.2.3 Install called MODS. So I checked the JSGME.ini and sure enough it pointed toward that MODS folder, which I never had one before. I mean, I never had a folder Installed named MODS before.
My BATMODS folder where all my mods reside was still there, but according to the the 4.2.3 Update´s JSGME.ini file, I could figure out that one should use the newly installed MODS Folder from now on and NOT the BATMODS folder anymore.
Some of my Mods seemed to have gone up in smoke too and it made me a wee bit angry (understatement of the year) In all my years using these awesome BAT-Updates I had never ever experienced nothing but minor problems of which pretty much all was my fault, and I was afraid that I would not be able to fix the problem.
Anyways.. I started out by checking the Installations Instructions but there was nothing in it about the newly Installed MODS folder or how to use it. EDIT: That I could find in my upset state then. There is of course Information available about it./JCC
A few coups of coffee later my brain was back in working mode again. So I compered a couple of JSGME.ini files with the new one from the 4.2.3 Update, and sure enough you should use the MODS folder with it and NOT the BATMODS folder anymore.
The Solution: I moved all my gathered mods that hadn´t gone tit´s up from the BATMODS folder to the new MODS Folder and in the few cases where I believed the mod prolly was damaged, I used JSGME ready backups and added them to my new MODS folder. Once that was done I took a look at the JSGME.ini file again and made sure that it pointed to the MODS folder, as I had edited it in an attempt to make it use the BATMODS folder (which it certainly wouldn´t do.)
While trying that I realized that all I prolly needed to do was to point it to use the MODS Folder and once it did, the file would get sorted "by itself" even though my incorrect attempts to Edit it, because the ones who has written the JSGME proggie is good at what they do.
Once done I tried to fire up the Game again and it started and the JSGME.ini file was sorted too!
![Hello ]hello2[](https://www.sas1946.com/main/Smileys/akyhne/hello2.gif)
Now "all" that was left to do was to add all my Mods, it took a while as of 124 Mods I currently have available, 87 of those Mods are now activated by JSGME, and it worked like a charm.
Once done I felt very satisfied, but also quite tired and went to bed after a few flight´s.
This might not be your problem mate, but it could be. This Installation is made on a Win7 64 and it works really well now. I should perhaps try to use a good Intel/Nvidia Win11 Laptop which I got from my son-in-law for the game as it is a far better PC, but the BAT 4.2.3 runs remarkably well on my old Win7 64 PC tower, so I dunno if gives any improvement to be honest.
EDIT: I was of course working with BAT 4.2.3 Update. -Doh..
![Clown ]clown[](https://www.sas1946.com/main/Smileys/akyhne/icon_clown.gif)
![Cheers ]cheers[](https://www.sas1946.com/main/Smileys/akyhne/occasion14.gif)