Thank you for the patch. However, nothing has changed on the map "Neuschwabenland -farang65". I've now tried an older "actors.static" and lo and behold, the ice floes and the bases are back.
That does not make any sense. The cause is, that both load.ini and loadx.ini refer to the new actorsx.static.
The old actors.static is still there but just not referenced. So "adding" another actors.static on top solves nothing. Unless you added a new load.ini along. And then the actors would be superfluous.
But I find it very practical that the second map "Neuschwabenland - without ice by faranq65/Vampire_pilot exists.
I was toying around with a few Operation Highjump mission ideas when I made that.
Das ist das Problem. Die Eisfelder, Eisberge und Nazibasen sind in der "actors.static" der alten Farang65 Karte von Neuschwabenland. Wenn ich die Eisberge jetzt lösche und neu speichere in "actors.static", habe ich eine geänderte "actors.static" die sich mit derselben load.ini öffnet. Die Eisberge fehlen dann auf der Karte natürlich. Bei mir öffnet sich mit der load.ini jetzt die Karte mit der alten "actors.static" mit Eisbergen und mit der loadx.ini die neue Karte mit der von Ihnen geänderten "actors.static" ohne die Eisberge.
That's the problem. The ice fields, icebergs and Nazi bases are in the "actors.static" of the old Farang65 map of Neuschwabenland. If I now delete the icebergs and save them again in "actors.static", I have a modified "actors.static" that opens with the same load.ini. The icebergs are of course missing from the map. For me, the load.ini now opens the map with the old "actors.static" with icebergs and the loadx.ini opens the new map with the "actors.static" you changed without the icebergs.