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Author Topic: My personal testing of BAT 4.3 additions - what good what not....  (Read 7357 times)

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Re: My personal testing of BAT 4.3 additions - what good what not....
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2024, 12:22:31 PM »

Truly great initiative! Many thanks for your effort,  8)


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Re: My personal testing of BAT 4.3 additions - what good what not....
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2024, 01:12:07 PM »

Many thanks for this great thread.
You spent a lot of time to save other people a lot of time. It's purely altruistic.
You're a good person.  :)


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Re: My personal testing of BAT 4.3 additions - what good what not....
« Reply #14 on: December 15, 2024, 01:34:28 PM »

This is why I love this community.

Just like in "Starship Troopers", we must all do our part... so kill some bugs!!!   ;D
Best Regards, UberDemon/danzigzag, Get UQMG at SAS BAT Mission area.  www.uberdemon.net no longer exists.  (** Alienware Aurora R7 / i7-8700 3.20GHz / 16GB RAM / Win 10 x64 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 **)


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Re: My personal testing of BAT 4.3 additions - what good what not....
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2024, 01:58:10 PM »

Thanks to all for your kind words!

I hope only to be useful!

David Prosser

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Re: My personal testing of BAT 4.3 additions - what good what not....
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2024, 04:33:04 PM »

Cool, keep up the good work.


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Re: My personal testing of BAT 4.3 additions - what good what not....
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2024, 05:44:17 AM »

Would you like any help?  We can report here what successes and failures we've had with adding our favorite mod packages to BAT WAW 4.3.0.  But of course we won't all be able to verify them as professionally as you've been doing! 


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Re: My personal testing of BAT 4.3 additions - what good what not....
« Reply #18 on: December 16, 2024, 11:29:21 AM »

Thanks mate but I'm not professional , I'm a donkey dumb!

Actually the plan is:

1) Improve all the effects and game managing tools
2) Add aircrafts updates/modification/customization choices (not classes , only 3do)
3) Add missing vehicles and ships if not conflicting with vanilla BAT 4.3

If you like to help me you can do 2 things:

1) test if my tests are correctly working also in your installation
2) post suggestions about mods you like to add in order with the plan sequence....


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Re: My personal testing of BAT 4.3 additions - what good what not....
« Reply #19 on: December 16, 2024, 01:15:04 PM »

Report about:

Daihatsu / TokuDaihatsu / Shohatsu --- JP Landing Craft expansion v1.0 (11/Feb/2019) by Western


Installed in both WAW and JTW without any issues or conflicting resolved classes


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Re: My personal testing of BAT 4.3 additions - what good what not....
« Reply #20 on: December 16, 2024, 01:37:07 PM »

A little spoiler....

Thanks to Vampire who have integrated in BAT 4.3 the upgraded one....

....Unspatted gear has just been tested for all JU-87 family (plus Rudel one)....soon a version for you to manage this option by jsgme....

BTW...this mod isn't work of mine , I have only adapted....if someone remember who have originally released it please advise me to give him full credit....


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Re: My personal testing of BAT 4.3 additions - what good what not....
« Reply #21 on: December 16, 2024, 03:35:35 PM »

Thanks mate but I'm not professional , I'm a donkey dumb!

Actually the plan is:

1) Improve all the effects and game managing tools
2) Add aircrafts updates/modification/customization choices (not classes , only 3do)
3) Add missing vehicles and ships if not conflicting with vanilla BAT 4.3

If you like to help me you can do 2 things:

1) test if my tests are correctly working also in your installation
2) post suggestions about mods you like to add in order with the plan sequence....

1) Test if my tests are correctly working also in your installation

4) Configurable Increased Visibility Distance Mod for B.A.T. by WxTech


This modification resulted in a signifcant reduction of frame rates on my system - on average 70% in a typical scenario (40 to 12 FPS)!

I did not have this issue in my previous version of BAT WAW 4.2.3.  My conf.ini settings with regard to this mod are:
;MaxVisualDistance=5000 //- effects?
;MaxStaticVisualDistance=4000 //- objects?
;MaxLongVisualDistance=10000 //- big ships?
;MaxPlateVisualDistance=16000 //- runways?

2) I have successfully installed the following mods to BAT WAW 4.3.0 so far:

Ranwers RAF Pilots for the Griffon Spitfires and Seafires (MKXV, MK45, MK46, MK47, MKXIVC, MKLFXIVE, FRXIVE)




I also experienced the same issue with ngCAM V2.0, but adding its Class files to the top of my #WAW folder solved that problem.  I don't think ngCAM V2.0 has been integrated into BAT 4.3.0 as have ngMAP and ngHUD, because in my vanilla installation pressing the ENTER key had no effect.

WxTech Supplemental Mod Packs

Hope this helps...I'm just as interested in your are to see how many of WxTech Effects we can take advantage of!  I've installed the CandC FX Improvements, AI Overheat, Aircraft bomb water splash, Blue searchlights and Fighters Return to Base Sooner mods without issue, but am not really sure if they're all working, at least those that don't add an immediately recognizable visual effect (those water splashes in the Kamikaze track look awesome, as do the searchlights in the Stuka night bombing track).  I can, however, verify that they did not cause a CTD nor a noticeable reduction in frame rates.








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Re: My personal testing of BAT 4.3 additions - what good what not....
« Reply #22 on: December 17, 2024, 07:53:55 AM »

Thank you so much Whiskey Sierra for this work. It is results like these that keep this great sim alive and interesting. Important thread.

I am a fan of WxTech's effects packs. Glenn puts in so much hard work it is a shame nobody can update them to BAT 4.3 as yet. That would give the sim a big boost in immersion, despite the age. Perhaps those parts shown to work could be packaged for inclusion in the next BAT update. Just a thought Vampire.

As Von and I create the campaigns for your enjoyment I marvel at the range of maps, effects, sounds, aircraft and vessels that people have come up with. What a great community.



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Re: My personal testing of BAT 4.3 additions - what good what not....
« Reply #23 on: December 17, 2024, 11:40:18 AM »

Thanks mate but I'm not professional , I'm a donkey dumb!

Actually the plan is:

1) Improve all the effects and game managing tools
2) Add aircrafts updates/modification/customization choices (not classes , only 3do)
3) Add missing vehicles and ships if not conflicting with vanilla BAT 4.3

If you like to help me you can do 2 things:

1) test if my tests are correctly working also in your installation
2) post suggestions about mods you like to add in order with the plan sequence....

1) Test if my tests are correctly working also in your installation

4) Configurable Increased Visibility Distance Mod for B.A.T. by WxTech


This modification resulted in a signifcant reduction of frame rates on my system - on average 70% in a typical scenario (40 to 12 FPS)!

I did not have this issue in my previous version of BAT WAW 4.2.3.  My conf.ini settings with regard to this mod are:
;MaxVisualDistance=5000 //- effects?
;MaxStaticVisualDistance=4000 //- objects?
;MaxLongVisualDistance=10000 //- big ships?
;MaxPlateVisualDistance=16000 //- runways?

2) I have successfully installed the following mods to BAT WAW 4.3.0 so far:

Ranwers RAF Pilots for the Griffon Spitfires and Seafires (MKXV, MK45, MK46, MK47, MKXIVC, MKLFXIVE, FRXIVE)


FM Stock Ju-52 Upgrade V2.0


I tried integrating this mod into the default BAT WAW 4.3.0 SFS archives but for some reason the hier.him file in  the Ju-52/3mg4e Plane folder refused to load, and the Class files also weren't recognized even though ClassCheck showed there were no conflicts, so I added both of these via BATMODS to the top of my #WAW Folder.



I also experienced the same issue with ngCAM V2.0, but adding its Class files to the top of my #WAW folder solved that problem.  I don't think ngCAM V2.0 has been integrated into BAT 4.3.0 as have ngMAP and ngHUD, because in my vanilla installation pressing the ENTER key had no effect.

These are three of my favorite MODS!

WxTech Supplemental Mod Packs

Hope this helps...I'm just as interested in your are to see how many of WxTech Effects we can take advantage of!  I've installed the CandC FX Improvements, AI Overheat, Aircraft bomb water splash, Blue searchlights and Fighters Return to Base Sooner mods without issue, but am not really sure if they're all working, at least those that don't add an immediately recognizable visual effect (those water splashes in the Kamikaze track look awesome, as do the searchlights in the Stuka night bombing track).  I can, however, verify that they did not cause a CTD nor a noticeable reduction in frame rates.






Hi mate!

Thanks for your reply and tests!

About Configurable Increased Visibility Distance please (in order):

a) Specify your CPU type or single it's core speed
b) a side effect of this mod is to also enhanche shadows to show and be taken in CPU/GPU calculation....go to point c and try to set this value for 3rd test in conf.ini: Effects=0 and report....
c) test track the black death (IL2 common benchmark) about fps without mod , with mod and effect as you have usually ,  and with mod and Effect=0
d) if you have still fps issues , try the last option to start with these values:

  MaxVisualDistance = 5000 - effects
  MaxStaticVisualDistance = 4000 - objects
  MaxLongVisualDistance = 10000 - big ships
  MaxPlateVisualDistance = 16000 - runways

and start test fps in the black death track increasing each time only one distance of 1000 mt in this order:

1)   MaxVisualDistance
2)   MaxPlateVisualDistance
3)   MaxLongVisualDistance
4)   MaxStaticVisualDistance

About your tested mods:

AC water crash and depth charges with bubbles: a good mod but I don't like it so much....
Searchlight Beam and Illumination Color Mod: I had it in my old BAt 4.2.4....added into to do list
AI engine overheat mod for B.A.T. with my Effects v1.6 Mod: also in the to do list
Command&Control FX objects improvements: also in the to do list
WIP - Fighters RTB sooner: not installable because as stated in the 3rd line of his post: "NOT FOR USERS OF MY EFFECTS PACK! That will come upon release of my effects v2.0."
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