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Author Topic: My personal testing of BAT 4.3 additions - what good what not....  (Read 7510 times)

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Re: My personal testing of BAT 4.3 additions - what good what not....
« Reply #132 on: March 05, 2025, 07:37:34 AM »

Your comment regarding the ability of just a few ships with larger guns wreaking terrible destruction... That is the result of a too-large damage radius for explosive ordnance, in my opinion. I really feel the damage radius in a great many cases can be easily reduced to half. If necessary the power could be boosted a bit. The idea is to effectively establish a power/radius relationship that would exhibit a narrower Gaussian for a given peak value.

I have made my own little mod to 1,000kg bombs (having power type 0, or blast effect instead of splinters) to test this out, generally halving the radius but retaining the stock power, and I do prefer the results.

Interesting, Glenn. However sounds like a lot of work considering the sheer number of guns allocated to the various warships!



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Re: My personal testing of BAT 4.3 additions - what good what not....
« Reply #133 on: March 05, 2025, 09:41:05 AM »

Your comment regarding the ability of just a few ships with larger guns wreaking terrible destruction... That is the result of a too-large damage radius for explosive ordnance, in my opinion. I really feel the damage radius in a great many cases can be easily reduced to half. If necessary the power could be boosted a bit. The idea is to effectively establish a power/radius relationship that would exhibit a narrower Gaussian for a given peak value.

I have made my own little mod to 1,000kg bombs (having power type 0, or blast effect instead of splinters) to test this out, generally halving the radius but retaining the stock power, and I do prefer the results.
Is there a problem of accuracy as well? It seems to me that ships are very accurate in picking up the small shore targets. While the shore battery is struggling to place its shells near the attacking ship.
Also the rate of fire. We can regulate it, of course, but the default "veteran" option is insane.


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Re: My personal testing of BAT 4.3 additions - what good what not....
« Reply #134 on: March 05, 2025, 08:04:59 PM »

The number of discrete guns (and their shells) in the larger size range as allocated to ships is not so large, topping out at perhaps 60. I've altered 3X as many aerial gun classes.

There is code to control firing accuracy. For instance, as it gets darker accuracy decreases. It would be simple enough to mod this so that a Gaussian distribution could be applied with greater dispersion.

By way of example of damage capability, here's the code in an 8" gun class. Changing one or both of power and powerRadius for all roughly 60 classes would take maybe an hour.  ;)

Note here two different shells, which differ in a number of respects. One has powerType = 0 (blast effect) and higher power = 9.7 while the other has powerType = 1 (splinters) and lower power = 2.1. However both have the same powerRadius = 210. This is not a hard limit! I'm not sure if it's something like a half-power radius or some other fiducial, but damage can be done to rather larger distance for weaker objects.

Code: [Select]
public class CannonUS_8_55Mk9 extends CannonLongrangeGeneric

    public CannonUS_8_55Mk9()

    protected float Specify(GunProperties gunproperties)
        gunproperties.aimMaxDist = 29131F;
        gunproperties.fireMesh = null;
        gunproperties.fire = "Effects/Bigship/GunFire250mm/Fire.eff";
        gunproperties.sprite = null;
        gunproperties.smoke = "Effects/BigShip/GunFire250mm/Burst.eff";
        gunproperties.shells = null;
        gunproperties.emitColor = new Color3f(1.0F, 0.5F, 0.2F);
        gunproperties.emitI = 7.55F;  //5
        gunproperties.emitR = 150F;  //18
        gunproperties.emitTime = 0.4F;
        gunproperties.sound = "weapon.cannon200";
        BulletProperties bulletproperties = gunproperties.bullet[0];
        bulletproperties.power = 2.1F;
        bulletproperties.powerType = 1;
        bulletproperties.powerRadius = 210F;
        bulletproperties.kalibr = 0.203F;
        bulletproperties.massa = 118F;
        bulletproperties.speed = 853F;
        bulletproperties.traceMesh = null;
        bulletproperties.traceTrail = null;
        bulletproperties.traceColor = 0x1010101;
        bulletproperties = gunproperties.bullet[1];
        bulletproperties.power = 9.7F;
        bulletproperties.powerType = 0;
        bulletproperties.powerRadius = 210F;
        bulletproperties.kalibr = 0.203F;
        bulletproperties.massa = 118F;
        bulletproperties.speed = 914F;
        bulletproperties.traceMesh = null;
        bulletproperties.traceTrail = null;
        bulletproperties.traceColor = 0x1010101;
        return 55F;
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)


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Re: My personal testing of BAT 4.3 additions - what good what not....
« Reply #135 on: March 05, 2025, 08:12:03 PM »

As to aim accuracy for ships' guns, a quick look turned up this seemingly relevant method in BigshipGeneric.class. Note the setting and scaling of AimingError, and the utilization of SKILL.

Code: [Select]
    public Actor findEnemy(Aim aim)
            return null;
        ShipPartProperties shippartproperties = GetGunProperties(aim);
        Actor actor = null;
        case 0: // '\0'
            NearestEnemies.set(shippartproperties.WEAPONS_MASK, -9999.9F, KmHourToMSec(100F));

        case 1: // '\001'

            NearestEnemies.set(shippartproperties.WEAPONS_MASK, KmHourToMSec(100F), 9999.9F);
        actor = NearestEnemies.getAFoundEnemy(pos.getAbsPoint(), shippartproperties.ATTACK_MAX_RADIUS, getArmy(), shippartproperties.partOffs.z);
        if(actor == null)
            return null;
        if(!(actor instanceof Prey))
            System.out.println("bigship: nearest enemies: non-Prey");
            return null;
        FiringDevice firingdevice = GetFiringDevice(aim);
        BulletProperties bulletproperties = null;
        if(firingdevice.gun.prop != null)
            int i = ((Prey)actor).chooseBulletType(firingdevice.gun.prop.bullet);
            if(i < 0)
                return null;
            bulletproperties = firingdevice.gun.prop.bullet[i];
        int j = ((Prey)actor).chooseShotpoint(bulletproperties);
        if(j < 0)
            return null;
        aim.shotpoint_idx = j;
        double d = distance(actor);
        d /= AttackMaxDistance(aim);
        aim.setAimingError(World.Rnd().nextFloat(-1F, 1.0F), World.Rnd().nextFloat(-1F, 1.0F), 0.0F);
        aim.scaleAimingError(23.47F * (float)(4 - SKILL_IDX) * (float)(4 - SKILL_IDX));
        if(actor instanceof Aircraft)
            d *= 0.25D;
        if(targetControl() > 0)
        return actor;
Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people. - Hyman Rickover (but probably predating his use.)


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Re: My personal testing of BAT 4.3 additions - what good what not....
« Reply #136 on: Yesterday at 02:16:34 PM »

I've ready to test the new air.ini , I've split it into new sections according to the interwars most notable conflicts:

A SCW section with Republicain , Nationalist , Legion Condor and Aviazione Legionaria

A 1932-39 Incidents section (the most historically correct naming for the initial clashes of the Second Sino-Japanese war) with China Nationalist , IJNAF and IJAAF

Than the other sections: Golden age civilian , the Trophy Racers , the various nations in alphanetical order (for nations and planes manifacturing) , Seaplanes (blue and red sub sections) and finally Airships and Dockable....at the bottom the drivable Jeep , Kubelwagen and Kurogane....

If you see disabled entries these are because I have added some aircraft in my rig to complete partially the period and check them:

I-16 type 17
SB-2 M103 engines

All these entries are disabled because the new planes 'll be added in the next future included in my TGA update , I hope to have spot all of them in the shared file , if not let me know so I can correct....


NOT REPLACE YOUR air.ini but let this one load before so you can always revert back to the stock if you don't like my new organization or you experiment issues....

LET ME KNOW any issue so I can check and correct it....

LET ME KNOW your feelings about the new organization....


Not a lot of check on pastebin...19 , maybe some is mine...anyway , any comments?
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