Yeah, I wasn't too concerned about the external mesh, my priority having been the cockpit. Hence making only the visible portions. With hindsight I wish I had made the full things. But that was years back when I was adhering to the more minimalist approach.
When incorporating, I retained the original forward post in the external mesh, but made it thinner and moved it so as to be more in line with the cockpit's new 3D one. That made the simple flat thing largely unseen.
I didn't even think to add these new elements to the external model, partly due to the incongruity of such small element detail on a very crude overall coarseness. 😉
Adding the ring to the external model would require one of two approaches:
- Have it present on the external mesh only, hoping that its nearness to the front windscreen does not cause its clipping nor the visibility of part of the external canopy mesh. This is hard to achieve for wider FoVs when panning, even for a judiciously chosen value for the forward component of ZNorms.
- Have it present in both the external engine mesh and the cockpit mesh, with the former carefully placed so as to exactly overlap the latter and thereby avoid a 'doubled' ring at a wider FOV and when seen near the screen edge while panning.