Oh wow Dimlee... I believe you are in Ukraine correct? Well back in Brazil we had our own products as well when I was a kid but we did have access to the very first HP programmable calculators. My cousin had a programmable one that used these magnetic strips. Once I got older I eventually really got into the HP 4X series which also used reverse Polish logic.
And yes there were some fun number-based games available... miss those, you had to use your imagination. I recall owning a CASIO watch that had a number based shoot the aliens game... that was a long time ago.
But back to the original subject, probably some of the larger tablets would work but I would miss the joystick and all. I have the PS versions as well and I could not get into them.
War Thunder Hell... yeah, that about sums it up. I made an attempt to get into them but no. PS4 and VR are really good for the VR Star Wars space sims. Now that is a good use of Play Station.