BAT 4.2.2
I've had an issue over the past couple of months that seems to be getting worse. I did ask this question before but it remains unresolved so I thought I'd try again LOL
This problem doesn't affect all planes. Mainly heavy bombers and last night the Super Sabre.
I'll describe one typical case that illustrates the problem.
A few nights ago we flew a mission involving the B26. Three of us lined up on a particularly wide runway. I performed all my preflight checks then announced "Rolling". Full throttle, 100% prop pitch, just a little flap, rudder trim...All good CHOCKS AWAY
I started running down the runway only to see the other two pilots go tearing past me like a bat out of hell. I got to 85mph then the engine seemed to slow down 80mph 78 mph. abort, abort.
I had three attempts to get off the ground and could never get enough speed.
Last night we were flying the Super Sabre and everybody achieved lift off at 140 knots, The fastest I managed was 110knots
NOW it's important to note that everything in my gauges and the HUD in the bottom right corner all indicated that I was about to blow every gasket in the engine but I just couldn't get enough speed to lift off. It's also note worthy that I tried this with engine management turned off so that I didn't get engine overheats.
I'm now wondering if my throttle is at fault but if that was the case the sim wouldn't register that I was 100% throttle.
This is really starting to get to me.
Has anybody else ever had this problem?