Yes, I am back. At least for a while. And here is a completely new campaign I've made, with a for me completely new theme:

This is a 24-mission static campaign portraying the fighting in the air at the start of the Pacific War from a Dutch perspective. It starts with the first Japanese landings in northern Borneo around December 13, and follows the battles for that island, and for Ambon and Java, up until the Dutch surrender on March 9, 1942. In 1941 Borneo was a prime strategic target for Japan, being rich in petroleum and rubber. Borneo also also stood on the main sea routes between Java, Sumatra, Malaya and Celebes. Control of these routes were vital to securing that territory, and opening up the sea lanes down towards Australia.
Download it here: missions are ALL based on history, within the limitations given by the game. This is NOT a standard campaign, in the sense that you participate in missions flown by a single unit. Instead you take part in a mission flown by the Royal Dutch Airforce in the East Indies on that special day, following the historical chronology of the campaign. (There is a special appendix outlining this in the download.) This means that you will often fly
a wide range of missions in a wide range of different aircraft, from fighters (the Brewster Buffalo, the Curtiss CW-21, the Curtiss A75 Hawk or the Hawker Hurricane), over flying boats (the Dornier 24 and the Catalina) to bombers (Glenn-Martin WH3), and even twin-seater recce aircraft (the Koolhoven FK51 and the Curtiss CW-21). Like my RAF Tunisia campaign this campaign is mission oriented instead of unit oriented. But it aims to give you a sense of what it was like to participate in the actual fighting in the air during this brutal and pivotal battle of WW2.
The odds are stacked against you, as in history. As it often is in war. You must accept that you will be shot down quite a lot. The important thing is that you must see to it that you touch ground in friendly territory – in order to continue the fight, and to save your life. During this phase of the war the Japanese often massacred prisoners of war. As aggressors often do.
This campaign has of course been built with and for
BAT, the WAW module. If you have BAT 4.3 or above you have everything you need! Special thanks to
Vampire Pilot and all the other modders here at the SAS site. You guys rule! Also many thanks to mapmakers
Farang65, Mixx and
IJ . This campaign couldn't have been made without you guys! (The campaign follows my own "realism" dogma, i.e. only historically correct aircraft in correct historical garb flying over the correct terrain. Within reason. If you spot any glaring errors: please let me know.)
Included in this campaign is also 34 SKINS, made by
Greg Boyington, Martel, Imme, HaFu1939, Hayate, OntR, Sakai, Jaypack44, Jesters-Ink, Shooter, Vigilante, Ronnco, DAN 46-BC, Archie1971, Agracier, 1.JaVA_Serval, Winger_69 and
FlybyShooter. Thanks guys for your GREAT work. Without skinners no campaigns!
The main sources used have been Christopher Shores, Brian Culls and Yasuho Izawas “Bloody Shambles” Volume 1 (Grub Street 1992) and PC Boers “De Luchtstrijd Rond Borneo” (Van Holkema & Warendorf 1987), which is THE supreme source when it comes to the Dutch part. Terence Kellys “Hurricanes versus Zeros – Air Battles over Singapore, Sumatra & Java” (Pen & Sword 2007) is written by a veteran of the fighting, and gives you a much needed perspective of the participant and eye witness. Some useful info can also be gleaned from “Japanese Army Air Force Fighter Units and Their Aces” (Grub Street 2002) by Ikuhiko Hata, Yasuho Izawa and the ever helpful Christopher Shores. The best site on the web on this rather special subject is The Java Gold’s blog:
And here are some shining screenies:

Thanks for looking, guys! And remember to enjoy life. Not least in the small things