I'm amazed at how fast Yaro was able to upload that video!
@Wing Walker,
I followed your advice and did a few tests.
A few observations:
1. The test I did in my earlier post was with Shokaku CV going 63kmh, and my fuel tank was 80%, with 250kg bomb. The total weight would have been 9730Lbs. And like you said, it exceeded the 9542Lbs limit and crashed.
2. Yaro's video showed Akagi CV as example. Akagi's flight deck is significantly higher than Shokaku's, which probably gives the pilot more room to pull up during takeoff. I tried the same 80% fuel + 250kg bomb combo on the Akagi, and IT WORKED, even for the AI. Too bad the real Akagi wasn't around when D4Ys went into full service.
3. Somehow D4Y's predecessor, the D3A1, is able to take off with 100% fuel + 250kg bomb under the same circumstances WITH EASE. A bit inconsistent don't you think?
Somehow I think the D4Y2 in your Ultrapack is on steroids

I'm on BAT 3.6 and I don't even have the 500kg bomb option.
The D4Y
3 in BAT, however, is a lot more powerful than D4Y2.
Anyway, just some thoughts.