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Author Topic: AI inactive at campaigns  (Read 55 times)

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AI inactive at campaigns
« on: Yesterday at 03:45:20 PM »


I have a question concerning the behavior of AI planes.
I am very excited about all the great campaigns of all the mission builders here!
Downloaded several of them and I am on to fly them all!

But I noticed, that the AI planes, enemy as well as friends are completely inactive?
F.e. I finished the He162-campaign from VampirePilot and all the enemy aircrafts did nothing but flew their way. Not only that they didn't attack me or my fellows, they not even evade my attacks!?
On the other hand my comrades did not attack enemy planes next to them.

At the moment I fly the camapaign around the 303 squadron (polish) in the Battle of Britain from vonofterdingen (https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,59657.msg699279.html#msg699279).
Same here! He111 gunners did not answer on my attacks, Bf109 just fly straight to their doom - other Hurricanes just fly their waypoints.

I play with BAT 4.3 on full realism (except for external view).
The campaigns and missions itself works fine. No problems with loading etc.
I opened one of the He162 missions in FMB and can't find sth. strange / errors. AI at "Normal".

What am I doing wrong?
Kleinigkeiten machen die Vollkommenheit aus, aber Vollkommenheit ist keine Kleinigkeit.
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