Back in December I received a piece of good advice from
Vampire_pilot about Antialiasing settings in the Nvidia Control Panel. He suggested increasing them from my 2x up to the maximum available.,73403.msg797478.html#msg797478Three months later I remembered that discussion and ran the tests with the three sets of settings.
Nvidia Control Panel:
1. Antialiasing Setting 2, Antialiasing Transparency 2
2. Antialiasing Setting 4, Antialiasing Transparency 4
3. Antialiasing Setting 8, Antialiasing Transparency 8
Ultrapack 3.4.
i7-7700 3.60, RAM 16, GTX 1060 3GB.
Track was the standard TheBlackDeath.ntrk.
FPS (average from the series of 6 per set), average - maximum - minimum, by the set number:
1. 100-178-25
2. 98-149-32
3. 56-140-31
FPS average was the most stable in set 3. Its fluctuations were the most prominent in set 1, between 97 and 109.
Note the value of FPS min - not what I expected.
Image quality was the best in set 3, as expected. I made a number of screenshots for every set and then compared them. Go from set 1 to set 3 and everything improves: less muddy, more vivid, more crispy, etc. "Zigzagged" antenna on FW 190 in set 1 becomes almost normal in set 3.
My eyes are not very young, a person with better vision will benefit even more.
All in all, it's good to know that this PC can run the game with the maximum antialiasing settings. Next step would be to see how they will work in different missions.
Vampire_pilot - thanks!