Here's the contents I currently have for this effect, found in:
ClassName TParticlesSystemParams
MatName ..\Materials\ShipPipeSmoke.mat
Color0 0.47 0.5 0.53 0.1 //<---------------------- look here
Color1 0.47 0.5 0.53 0.0
nParticles 66 //90
FinishTime -1
MaxR 0
PhiN 0
PsiN 1.5 //2
LiveTime 22 //30
EmitVelocity 2 6
EmitFrq 3
EmitTheta 15 30
GasResist 0.02
VertAccel 0.02
Wind 5
Size 10 39 //10 50
Rnd 0.667 //0.5
I've added a line pointing to the element which controls the opacity, or density of the smoke particles. Currently it's 0.1, which is 10% opaque. If you changed that 0.1 to 1.0, the smoke would be VERY dense indeed. Try out different values until you get what you like.
The first three numbers for Color0 and Color1 are the RGB (red, green, blue) values. Note how they increase from red=0.47 to blue=0.53. This gives the smoke a bluish hue. If you like a neutral grey, make all three numbers the same. If you like reddish, reverse the red and blue values.
If the tone is too light or too dark, subtract or add the same offset to all three values. For instance, to make the smoke a somewhat darker tone (and higher opacity), you might try
Color0 0.37 0.4 0.43 0.25
Color1 0.37 0.4 0.43 0.0
Note that Color0 is given to the effect particles when first created, and Color1 is their state at the moment of disappearance. Observe that the opacity for Color1 is 0.0, meaning fully transparent. If it were made non-zero, the smoke would not fade out smoothly, but instead would suddenly wink out.
To make the smoke last longer and make a longer stream, increase LiveTime, nParticles and Size (2nd value.) You'll note that I formerly had a longer trail, and kept those old values, disabled via "//" characters. To save verbiage, below is a starting point already established, using my old values and making the smoke a bit darker and opaque.
If you want to go even farther, note these points:
-- If you increase LiveTime you must also increase nParticles. nParticles must be no less than LiveTime * EmitFreq, else you will have a break, or gap every LiveTime interval (unless that's what you want.) That's why we have LiveTime 30 * EmitFreq 3 = 90.
-- Size is the starting and ending size of the particles. When smoke lasts longer it becomes more dispersed, and so the ending size should increase accordingly. For instance, if LiveTime was increased from 30 to 60, Size 10 50 could be changed to Size 10 100.
-- PsiN is the fractional rotation imparted to a particle from creation to disappearance. During the LiveTime of 30 seconds, a smoke particle is rotated 2 times (720 degrees.) If you doubled LiveTime from 30 to 60, PsiN could be doubled from 2 to 4, although a bit less is better because a large particle rotating at the same speed as a smaller one can look odd.
ClassName TParticlesSystemParams
MatName ..\Materials\ShipPipeSmoke.mat
Color0 0.38 0.4 0.42 0.2
Color1 0.38 0.4 0.42 0.0
nParticles 90
FinishTime -1
MaxR 0
PhiN 0
PsiN 2
LiveTime 30
EmitVelocity 2 6
EmitFrq 3
EmitTheta 15 30
GasResist 0.02
VertAccel 0.02
Wind 5
Size 10 50
Rnd 0.667