Redko can I request a version with more bright? For once you release the first version, same textures but lighter like If the hard sun of the desert was really warming all the place.
Actually i darkened the pics a little to show people all the textures details.
Too bright is bad for textures, it's destructive for the file. And the quality of the rendering depends also of the quality of the screen you are using, how it wokd with the gama for exemple. I'm making texture for all the players so those textures are optimized to work better with gapa gamma. Avala's Gapa Gamma settings are perfect for that.
Agracier's reponse make sens for me. I better to optimize for the most of people as possible, and then let to the user the choice. That's easy to play with Avala's light tools, every body can do that.
This is what i have for real on my rig :
Take in consideration that of course you must have this for real on your own screen to realize the real effect of gapa tools on these textures. But what i have i close to this. If you find this too bright, don't worry guys my textures will adapt to your wish.