Redko... I still think that North Africa desert is more yellowish to palid brown... than ebony white:
( top image is +25% Saturation in Photoshop )
I am great fan of your work and textures... this is just a constructive suggestion
Gapa mod man, don't trust pics, it's more saturated for real.
The orginal files :
The final ones :
Even the final tga files aren't representatives of the in game rendering colours. You would have to see it by yourself to check it. The thing is - and thats what i wanted to answer to your PM question about your free sim - is that IL2 engine not only deals bad with textures but also for colours...and light. Which make that if you don't pay attention colours looks plastic and unreal.
Juts look the stock maps to figure that. It's a problem even for the best new maps here, i'm thinking for exemple to Porto's Hawaii...a real beauty, a jewel. The only bad thing is that it use the stock textures, and all green parts looks plastic. By desaturating it it would becomes a little more realistic, and simulate better the athmospherical perspective which is vital to made the landscape look natural.
Desaturated textures help also to melt them and avoid too many junction effect, it gives the feeling that all is a one single texture. No alpha channel here cause when using this you can't index the textures in the same time, and then it becomes to heavy files for some slow PC. The first version of Desert_Online was using alpha channel, but i changed this for the second version as some here seemed to have some fps troubles.
So don't trust the pics, it's better to see it in game to get a real opinion. I could resaturate a little the textures, it's ok, but
only after having finished the whole painting process cause all the textures must allways work together. I need i have the same level of saturation (low or high - no matter ) to know where to paint, it's essential for a good painting.
That's why on the video "tutorial" i was requesting moders to work with all the textures opened. You can check step by step by switching from FMB to photoshop which texture is which and check if all saturation levels are good for each texture while painting the map.