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Author Topic: new slot Bf-109T with moving hook  (Read 53012 times)

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Re: new slot Bf-109T with moving hook
« Reply #48 on: August 05, 2010, 06:35:47 PM »

I must Agree, I got Beta 1 and she is a Liutenant Killer, nevermind the ensigns....
Real Challenge thow...

A dream coem true thow imagen carrier fights on the Med!  Paralelle univeress here we come!


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Re: new slot Bf-109T with moving hook
« Reply #49 on: August 06, 2010, 11:51:52 AM »

Hey guys.... I am sort of down... i just can't get the landings right!!
can soemone who actually CAN land it do a tutorial video with speed, altitude and throttle please?!

I acomplish a safe landing in 1 out of 8 or so and of these 75% are safe landings without cathing am damn cable!!

most of the time I bounce off due to to steep an agle but I cannot see am damn thing from that pit if I go in more flat... I dunno how to get there.


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Re: new slot Bf-109T with moving hook
« Reply #50 on: August 06, 2010, 12:09:49 PM »

Hey guys.... I am sort of down... i just can't get the landings right!!
can soemone who actually CAN land it do a tutorial video with speed, altitude and throttle please?!

I acomplish a safe landing in 1 out of 8 or so and of these 75% are safe landings without cathing am damn cable!!

most of the time I bounce off due to to steep an agle but I cannot see am damn thing from that pit if I go in more flat... I dunno how to get there.

Ok Carrier Landing, this is how you do it, doesn't matter what plane you're in, the size of the hook, whether it has one or not...

We'll assume you have a hook as you can approach the whole landing idea differently.

Landing Speed: With a hook you land as you would normally, doesn't need a 3 point necessarily but better with. Under 200kmh in any plane is decent for landing, under 400kmh in any plane and u can drop flaps or gear without jam. So landing you're looking around 180kmh touch down.

Catching the wire: Perhaps using F2/F8 will help you with this at first... You catch the hook when you pull your tail down, so think about it like this, if you touch the carrier with your front wheels and yank the stick backwards, you instantly catch the wire... or if you just 3 point it down you'll catch the wire.

Approach: Can be short, long, coming out of a loop, whatever doesn't really matter. Get your speed correct and at 50 meters from the carrier you should just be 10-20 meters above it or flat depending what you prefer but a slight height above the carrier is good. You don't need to go high above it and go down a glide slope like I see a lot of people do as you'll tend to end up too fast and also wack your gear down hard.

Conclusion: It's like landing on a normal airstrip... you just yank the stick backwards once you touchdown to make sure you catch the wire that's all...


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Re: new slot Bf-109T with moving hook
« Reply #51 on: August 06, 2010, 12:40:15 PM »

LOL... I make 10 out of 10 in a Hellcat or a Zero, but here... this plane is too fast, vision is sh... well not great.

in the deciding moments, just when i  get close to or over the deck... I can't see anything but sky. i am guessing and this not good. in any other carrier plane I can actually see where I am aiming at. not so in the 109.
at 180 km/h which is about the speed it need to be stable for my feeling when i yank back (actually not drooping the ass but rasing the nose to me), I make sort of a jump upwards and jump right over the cables, ass hanging down, but not catching one... as I can't see a bloody thing from this position I do not know where i am going to bounce into...

conclusion to me... as reasonable you sound... as impossible for me to do from this text. I would like to see what you see, know where I have to aim for, know when to do what.

not as a normal landing to me. and landingstrips don't move away from you either... :-/


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Re: new slot Bf-109T with moving hook
« Reply #52 on: August 06, 2010, 01:06:31 PM »

One tip for carrier landings is that a bit of throttle usually helps. With about 20-30% power it's earier to approach the carrier nose up and tail down ready to catch a wire. If you tend to nose over when you stop, then just open the throttle a bit after catching the wire and you won't break your propeller anymore.


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Re: new slot Bf-109T with moving hook
« Reply #53 on: August 07, 2010, 03:31:17 AM »

^^ Well the same applies when landing on a normal runway... you never really idle a plane when you land it, especially if you want a 3 point landing.

@vampire_pilot, I'm a bit of a special case, you see I don't fly with a joystick, or at least not for dogfighting purposes only for formation aerobatics. So when I do carrier landings it's always on keyboard + trim and hence I would never land in cockpit, left hand or right hand on the arrow keys depending on what I feel like doing and controlling the mouse in F2 mode or using power keys and possibly rudder... However if it will help I can try doing a landing with joystick on a carrier and make a video of it... (I'll do it on the HMS Illustrious, think that's the closest to the erm thingi carrier)


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Re: new slot Bf-109T with moving hook
« Reply #54 on: August 07, 2010, 04:39:48 AM »



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Re: new slot Bf-109T with moving hook
« Reply #55 on: August 07, 2010, 07:43:14 AM »

I now wonder who luftwaffe pilots willing to test landing carrier on Me-109T in real history?  Did they videotaping test landing it on carrier shape with arresting wire on ground? It could be guide to landing by Landing Signals Officers as we don't have it yet. Maybe New Storm of War may have it in add-on for that game?  "An Optical Landing System (OLS) is used to give glidepath information to pilots in the terminal phase of landing on an aircraft carrier.[1] From the beginning of aircraft landing on ships in the 1920s to the introduction of OLSs, pilots relied solely on their visual perception of the landing area and the aid of the Landing Signal Officer (LSO in the US Navy, or "batsman" in the Commonwealth navies). LSOs used colored flags, cloth paddles and lighted wands."  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_Landing_System I am not going to ask MODers if they can create it!


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Re: new slot Bf-109T with moving hook
« Reply #56 on: August 07, 2010, 07:52:52 AM »

^^ It's actually much easier to see the ship etc than my video suggests.... My video is the view you would see if you sat right at the back of your seat in the middle of the cockpit, obviously if you use 6DOF or fly in Real life, you can move you head further up and forwards and you can actually see relatively clearly... so it isn't really that bad. Also landing it on a normal strip would be just as bad compared to a carrier since the carrier has a tower which you can always see even sitting right at the back of the cockpit, whereas a landing strip is pretty much flat, buildings aren't that tall neither is the tower if there is one...


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Re: new slot Bf-109T with moving hook
« Reply #57 on: August 07, 2010, 07:58:50 AM »

Good point. I must confess that I am so spoiled as I use AI pilot to landing carrier so often. I should try it myself sometime. 


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Re: new slot Bf-109T with moving hook
« Reply #58 on: August 09, 2010, 12:18:09 PM »



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Re: new slot Bf-109T with moving hook
« Reply #59 on: August 09, 2010, 12:45:47 PM »

what is presented as a mod I would call the 109T version of T-0, it was not realized flew to T-1 with prolonged wing
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