I'm working on a T-2 new slot version, this is an extract of MY FM :
I can make a touch and go on the Akagi deck at about 130/140 kph with flaps with 100% fuel, try to guess at 25% or less
Type 1
Crew 1
Wingspan 11.08 // Correct data isn't it?
Length 8.76 // Correct data isn't it?
Seaplane 0
Canard 0
Jet 0
JetHiV 0
Empty 2200.0 // Heavier than E series but lighter than T-1
TakeOff 2900.0 // Heavier than E series but lighter than T-1
Oil 50.0
Fuel 296.0
Nitro 50.0 // T-2 had GM-1
... Not pertinent
Wing 17.5 // Correct data isn't it?
Aileron 1.1
Flap 2.00
Stabilizer 1.90
Elevator 1.20
Keel 0.70
Rudder 1.10
Wing_In 3.00
Wing_Mid 2.50
Wing_Out 2.60
AirbrakeCxS 0.0
... Not pertinent
... Not pertinent
Engine0Family DB-600_Series
Engine0SubModel DB601A_7Z // Same engine as E-7/NZ
... Not pertinent
CriticalAOA 21.00
CriticalCy 01.65
CxCurvature 01.00
CxStraightness 00.00
CriticalAOAFlap 21.00
CriticalCyFlap 01.80
SpinTailAlpha 17.00
SpinCxLoss 0.06
SpinCyLoss 0.03
Vmin 150.0 // lower stall speed due to higher surface?
Vmax 475.0
VmaxAllowed 780.0
VmaxH 572.0
HofVmax 6000.0
VminFLAPS 135.0
VmaxFLAPS 250.0
Vz_climb 16.0
V_climb 270.0
T_turn 25.0
V_turn 340.0
K_max 13.0
Cy0_max 0.15
FlapsMult 1.0
FlapsAngSh 7.0
G_class_coeff 20.0
G_class 12.0
Range 800.0
CruiseSpeed 360.0
SensYaw 0.47
SensPitch 0.68
SensRoll 0.32
... Not pertinent
... Not pertinent
EDIT: You are slower than Spit MkV in the game, don't forget it.
I've added Tank, SC50 and SC250 in loadouts, that's why the gap between empty weight and Takeoof weight.