HMCS Bonnaventure, sorry for the delay.
I've finished my Bonnaventure before 30 minitues!!
OK, I will make 2 version slots to Bonnaventure.
My version and crazyeddie version are some different. (modelize time / photo difference?)
And I test catapults to these family.
One point notice to use catapults at Oriskany, Centau, Melbourne or Bonnaventure of crazyeddie.
By Catapult MOD, catapult's starting point is 1 point decided. That point is the Flak's skin "Catapult start" marking point.
This isn't able to move. (Instead of tweak Catapult MOD code).
At Oriskany, Centau, Melbourne or Bonnaventure of crazyeddie 's skins, "skin drawn" Catapult start marking is different from Flak's.
Some are in front, some are in side.
AI starts automatically from "Catapult MOD" starting point with Carrier Take-Off MOD.
Player has to set airplane invisible "Catapult MOD" starting point with ignoring skin drawn.
And same time, at Oriskany and Centau, left side catapult is only used. Right side is dummy.
In far future, when I will tweak Catapult MOD code, I will correct starting points at thier skins.