OK. Now, in this version of the mod, there are no classfiles connected to the F8. So, if the fault is with the mod, it will be in the 3do folder.
You mentioned the texture sizes, but that is very unlikely, as the textures of this mod are actualy quite small.
Can you verify, just so we are clear, that you game version is 4.101 , not 4.10, and that the modact you have on it is 2.72, nothing else, and that the QMB Pro you have is this one
https://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,12246.0.htmlThe very first thing to do is remove the mod, redownload it, and reinstall it. If that does not work, we move on to quick tests:
Please do the following test:
1 Uninstall QMB pro, back up and remove your custom missions, replace the stock missions (if you lost them, you can find them again in your 4.10 and 4.l101 downloads), and try to recreate the problem. If it still crashes, try next step.
2 If it still crashes, remove all other installed mods, and try again.
If none of that helps, we move on to deeper testing:
You have to do these steps while the game is not loaded, and each time restart the game for the new mod structure to load.
1 First off, remove FW-190F-8 folder from the mod, and see if it still happens. If it does, stop and let me know. Otherwise carry on
2 Then , replace the folder , and inside the folder, remove all the files except the hier.him. Try again.
3 Then do the reverce, replace all the files, and remove the hier.him file
4 Then, remove all the files , except the .tga files. try again.
5 Then , replace the hier.him file, so you only load the .tga's and the hier file.
This should tell us quite a bit.
Also, it would be very good if you can test it on a clean 4.101 install with clean Modact 2.72 on. You can do this easily in your current install. Simply back up your MODS, FILES, and JSGMEMODS folder, and remove them from the game. Then copy those fresh folders from the modact, and just add the Fw190 cockpit mod for 4.101 to the mods folder. Test the same then. If needed, make a Single Mission version of your berlin mission and fly it that way, since you will now be without QMBPro.
I know these are tedious. But needs to be done if we are to find the culprit.