This is something I've been looking into off and on for a while now and I still haven't really found anything that helps.
It is about the following. I would like to be able to harmonize palettes between 2 or more different textures. Let's say that texture A is part of a series of textures that are harmonized in the whole gamma of color attributes - saturation/brightness/hue etc etc ...
And let's say that a new texture B of a cultivated field is needed for instance, and that such a texture B exists already, but that even though both textures A and B are of a green color basically, they still clash quite severely when used together. There are after all many shades and tints of green.
Is there any application, or (series of) commands that can harmonize both palettes? So that both textures will feature the color attributes and will be able to used together?
I'd think that a 256 color palette not be that difficult to substitute with another 256 color palette. But even so, I've never found any application or command that does this.
Lately I've found the need for color harmonization between textures to be greater than ever.