I solved yesterday the problem with mission saving, but I only get the map working if I paste all the actors.static etc in the Iwo folder, this happens to me in every map since I installed a Multi MOD package (can't remember which one) :p
For most of maps this is not a problem, because I create different load.ini for my version, but the ones in which I've changed texture layout or objects (only Iwo at the moment) this means that it will overwrite the map_T (textures) and actors.static (objects) you have in your current map. Which it's something I don't like but I have not choice. I'll keep under that folder separate whc_Pre_load.ini, whc_Inv_load.ini, whc_Post_load.ini The rest of the maps I'm doing the same, I'll keep separate whc_load.ini for each one
Another problem it's that I cannot eliminate the runways only of one map, so the runways in Iwo Invasion will appear with craters but you'll be able to land there anyway. Neither we can't have different Suribachis with that configuration so I'll leave a Suribachi 'medium rare' not too green, not too burned
I'll use a different Suribachi whc object from the stock one though, the problem is we can have only one whc version and not 2 as I wanted.
Keep you posted